Are you struggling with your child's behavior? Could it be ADHD?

Are you regularly exasperated by your child's lack of organization, focus, or emotional outbursts? Does your child lack motivation and follow through? Do they resist learning despite all of your efforts?

You are not alone.

  • ADHD is much more than an inability to concentrate and sit still.
  • ADHD can affect organization, motivation, social skills, learning, and all kinds of self-regulation.
  • ADHD is fairly common but remains one of the most misunderstood childhood challenges around.
  • Most people lack even a basic understanding of ADHD.
  • There are things you can do at home, TODAY, to help you and your child.
Get the Course!

Other Signs of ADHD

  • Unexplained underachievement
  • Trouble organizing and planning
  • A high degree of creativity and imagination
  • Trouble with time management and a tendency to procrastinate
  • Strong will, stubbornness, refusal of help
  • Difficulty in social situations
  • Sensitivity to criticism or rejection
  • Impulsivity
  • High-energy
  • Distorted negative self-image

If you are experiencing these behaviors in your home, you need two things:

Education & Support

Education will give you understanding to have compassion for your child and the tools you need to help them.

Support helps you know you are not alone and begin to tap into the resources that really work.

 The ADHD Intensive

The ADHD Intensive is now a self-paced course!

Inside the ADHD Intensive, you will learn about the underlying causes of your child’s challenging behaviors. You’ll learn what the latest scientific research says about helping kids with ADHD and the many struggles that go along with it.

The best way to help your child with ADHD (and gain some much-needed peace in your home) is to first understand what is going on inside their brains to cause these challenging behaviors. 

Next, you need to learn strategies to help your child to gain more focus, organizational skills, social skills, and emotional regulation.

Here’s What You’ll Learn…


1. The Facts

The facts about ADHD and what information is truth or myth. We’ll also learn the unique brain-wiring that causes these oftentimes frustrating behaviors.


2. Research-based helps.

Research-based helps. There are many tools available to help with focus as well as with impulsivity, organization, emotional regulation, time management, flexibility, and self-awareness.



3. Equip Your Kids Socially

Why our kids struggle socially and how to help them gain the social skills they need in an understanding and compassionate way.


4. Get the Help You Need

How to help our kids who struggle with anxiety, depression, negativity, and low confidence.

6 Core Teaching Videos

All the information in the ADHD Intensive is intentionally broken down into smaller chunks. Audio files and detailed note-taking PDFs included.

A Private Facebook Group

Join our private Facebook Group to discuss what you’re learning. This group is not necessary to get the benefits of the ADHD intensive but is extra support for those who want it.

Free With Your Order!

When you join the ADHD Intensive today, you will also get free access to my #1 Parent Course: Executive Function: Teaching Kids to Organize Their Thoughts, Personal Space, and Time

Full of actionable strategies to start teaching your kids to get organized TODAY!

The 6 Teaching Modules


Module 1: ADHD FAQs

Facts about ADHD, Debunking Common Myths, Underlying causes of ADHD


Module 2: Increase Focus

Ways to increase focus and improve learning


Module 3: Increase Organization

Understand our kids’ struggles with organization and strategies for teaching organization.


Module 4: Improve Learning

Learn methods and strategies to improve learning at home and at school.


Module 5: Social Skills

Learn methods and strategies for improving your childs’ social skills.


Module 6: Emotional Regulation

Learn methods and strategies for improving our kids’ emotional regulation.

You Will Leave the ADHD Intensive EMPOWERED
to Provide the Kinds of Support Your Kids Need


Before the ADHD Intensive, I felt overwhelmed. Now, I feel empowered.

- Kimberly M.

My daughter and I finally felt like someone understood us. We have so many strategies to implement and already see an increase in focus after the 2nd week!

- Melissa R.

I knew I needed to learn more about ADHD but felt I didn’t have the time. With the ADHD Intensive, I knew I could commit to a few hours weekly. I’ve learned so much and feel so much calmer.

- Sarah S.

Before the ADHD Intensive, I had trouble understanding what was going on inside my son’s brain.

The Intensive gave me better clarity on all of the areas affected by ADHD and that most of what shows up is a function of brain processing and structure. I have changed my own perspective of my son and what response will better support him in his learning.

I didn’t expect to feel such relief. Talking with others and knowing they were having very similar experiences to me helped me during a time when I was feeling very lonely and overwhelmed on this journey. The class came at the right time and gave me validation and connection to a support network that I needed.

- Nicole S.

Before joining the ADHD Intensive, I knew I needed help to understand my family members with ADHD. I now have a better understanding and was empowered to implement the practical ideas/tools shared in the course. I have hope and am seeing improvements, especially in regards to focus. Something I didn’t expect was the loving community and encouragement from the other moms in the group.

- Katie A.