Teaching Tips
Fostering Internal Motivation to Learn
Over my nearly three decades of parenting and educating kids with dyslexia and ADHD I have learned that if we can foster a child's sense of internal motivation, home education is way easier and more enjoyable for everyone. But how do we foster internal motivation?...
Narration: An Introduction to Composition
Charlotte Mason, an English educator from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, left an enduring legacy in the field of education with her innovative and holistic approach. One of the key components of her philosophy is narration, a powerful technique for teaching...
How to Homeschool Kids With Dyslexia
After homeschooling my seven kids with dyslexia for nearly 30 years, here is what I want you to know about how to homeschool your kids with dyslexia. I'm working on writing and recording a new Parent Master Class on what you need to know to establish a balanced,...
A Day in the Life of a Non-Traditional Homeschool
I’ve been sharing here and there how we are homeschooling our non-traditional 9th grader this year. I've had quite a few questions about what our day looks like so today I'm sharing a typical day in the life of our non-traditional homeschool. Of my 8 kids, 6 have...
How to Choose the Best Dyslexia Options
There are so many good resources for teaching kids with dyslexia it can be hard to know what the best dyslexia options are. We're well into the school year now. The honeymoon period with its excitement over new curricula, courses, and co-ops has ended and we are faced...
When to Take a Break From Reading Instruction
Does your child shut down when it comes to reading? Do they cry or berate themselves or refuse to do their reading lessons? It may be time to take a break from reading instruction. The scenario is not uncommon. For a variety of reasons, children can come to resist...
Four Ways to Troubleshoot Learning Struggles
Using weekly review planning sheets helps me to troubleshoot my kids' learning struggles with confidence. Many of us have spent a lot of time over the summer planning and preparing for the current school year. Maybe you joined one of my coaching groups or you went to...
Adaptive Typing With Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
One of the most common accommodations offered to students with dyslexia and dysgraphia is learning to type. Adaptive typing is a specific method of typing that works well. Because people with language-based learning difficulties have a hard time with the written word,...
Effective Reward Systems for Kids and Teens With ADHD
Reward systems are an incredibly effective way to help kids and teens with ADHD change their behaviors. Because of the unique wiring of ADHD brains, rewards are especially motivating. Because ADHD brains are under-stimulated, they need excitement and rewards to get...
Summer Learning for Kids with Dyslexia
What kind of summer learning should you do with your kids with dyslexia? If you prefer to listen to this post, click the player below: Summer is just around the corner and many of us are considering what, if any, academic learning to do over the next few months. It's...
A Day in the Life: Homeschooling With Dyslexia
It has been a while since I shared what a day in the life of our homeschool with dyslexia looks like. For years I have shared these kinds of posts to show how we juggled the needs of a houseful of dyslexic kids. Today, our dynamic looks a lot different. Who We're...
Kids Homeschool Assessment
You know the old saying "Ain't Mom happy, ain't no one happy"? In my 30 years of parenting, I have come to understand that "Ain't the kids happy, ain't no one happy" is also true. Do this quick Kids Homeschool Assessment to find out how your kids really feel about...