Using weekly review planning sheets helps me to troubleshoot my kids’ learning struggles with confidence.

Many of us have spent a lot of time over the summer planning and preparing for the current school year. Maybe you joined one of my coaching groups or you went to a homeschool conference or you’ve read books on dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, or ADHD.
I talked in my newsletter last week about how having the right expectations makes a big impact on how successful we feel as homeschoolers.
For example, knowing that there would be disorganization, frustration, and disappointments during our first week back to school helped me to take those things in stride rather than becoming overwhelmed by them.
I’m here to tell you that each week will provide its own frustrations and disappointments. It’s normal and it’s okay. It’s how we handle these struggles that will determine how well our homeschools run moving forward.
Troubleshoot Learning Struggles by Reviewing Your Week
I created a little planning/review sheet for myself to help me work through the speedbumps in my homeschool. I thought you might like it so I’m sharing it with you today.
The idea behind these Weekly Review Pages (download below) is to consider yourself a tutor. You are the expert assigned to teach your unique children. Nobody knows them or their strengths and weaknesses better than you. As a tutor, you have the freedom and the skill to troubleshoot areas of struggle and brainstorm workarounds.
For example, if your child really struggled with their math assignment this week, when looking back and reviewing your week, you can dig around in your toolbox of learning strategies to brainstorm ways to support their learning so they can find success moving forward.
These workarounds are usually found in either modifying their assignment, such as reducing the number of problems required or offering accommodations, such as allowing the strategic use of a calculator.
Using a review planner to look back at your week and troubleshoot areas of struggle is empowering. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed by your kids’ struggles. They will learn in time. Your goal is to help make that process as painless and streamlined as possible by using the knowledge you have to adjust your teaching to meet their needs.
Troubleshoot Learning Struggles by Celebrating Wins
Another important part of the Weekly Review Pages is by celebrating your wins each week.
What did go well?
What did your kids enjoy?
What new strategy did you or your child come up with that helped?
There are wins every week. Maybe our wins weren’t academic in that we completed all of our assignments etc. Examples of other kinds of wins are: when our kid uses a strategy we have been teaching them, displays a growth mindset when faced with a struggle, or has a deep conversation that enhances their self-awareness – these are wins!
Homeschooling (or after schooling) is far more than academics so celebrate ALL of your wins each week.
Troubleshoot Learning Struggles with a Student Review
I’ve also included a Student Review Page in the download. The more we get our students’ feedback on their own experiences, the more effective our chosen workarounds will be.
You may be convinced that the math program you’re using is the best out there, only to find out that your child finds it frustrating or confusing for some reason. The student review page is simple and straightforward and can be done orally if preferred.
Troubleshoot Learning Struggles by Planning Your Days
Lastly, I’ve included the kind of barebones daily planning page that I actually use each day. With room to write your daily priorities, your time commitments, and to write all the things you forgot to plan for as they come up, this kind of planning page helps keep me on track as I coordinate a houseful of kids with a wide variety of needs, manage my home, and run this little business.
Download the Planning and Review Pages
A word of encouragement.
This site exists to equip parents and teachers of kids who just don’t learn by traditional methods. These kids are smart BUT learn differently.
Learning about how our kids learn (and don’t learn) is just part of our journey.
If you need help in this area of troubleshooting accommodations, modifications, or resistant learners, you should consider joining my support group, Beyond the Box Learning.
This month’s Master Class was all about How to Provide the Best Accommodations for Kids with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and ADHD. Next month we’re talking about How to Understand and Help Resistant Learners.
These Master Classes combined with our monthly live meetings on Zoom are a great way to fill your toolbox full of tools to support your struggling learners. Learn more and sign up here. For $15 a month this is an amazing resource!