We all experience homeschool burnout from time to time. I’m not saying that to discourage you. I’m saying that to help you have the right expectations. We all get burned out from time to time. Expect it.

What is Homeschool Burnout?
Homeschool burnout (or any kind of burnout for that matter) is simply when you’re putting out more energy than you’re putting in. Sound like par for the course of motherhood? Maybe so, but ain’t mom happy, ain’t no one happy. Living in a constant state of burnout isn’t good for anyone.
Signs of Homeschool Burnout
While many of the following signs are normal in the day-to-day life of a homeschooler, frequent or extreme experiences of these feelings can be a sign that you’re getting burned out.
- frequent feelings of overwhelm
- feeling a lack of hope or depressed
- feeling irritable
- feeling angry and resentful of family members
- feeling like you’re not doing enough
- considering putting kids in school
- extreme fatigue
Overcoming Homeschool Burnout
Does it surprise you to know that even as a long time homeschooler I still feel burned out at times? We want to badly to provide the best possible education for our kids that we often push, and push, and push until we find ourselves curled up on the couch in our jammies one late afternoon feeling like we just can’t do one. more. thing!
What I have learned about burnout has helped me to see the signs that it is coming and change course so I don’t fall into it – at least not as badly as I used to.
Learn More About Avoiding and Overcoming Homeschool Burnout
I recorded the following video for the Homeschool Mom’s Conference last year. It’s short (39 minutes) and to the point. I hope it helps you press on. Homeschooling our kids with dyslexia is so good!
How have you overcome homeschool burnout?
Related: My Success Formula for Homeschooling Kids with Dyslexia