There are so many good resources for teaching kids with dyslexia it can be hard to know what the best dyslexia options are.

We’re well into the school year now. The honeymoon period with its excitement over new curricula, courses, and co-ops has ended and we are faced with the realities of the demands of running a home, parenting kids, nurturing a marriage, and maybe even working as well.
It is normal to feel like you’re spread too thin or not getting enough done.
It is common to wonder if you should be doing something differently, if you are short-changing your kids, or even if the schools could do a better job.
Read about the 10 Stages of Homeschooling a Child With Dyslexia here.
We have so much freedom when we choose to homeschool.
Are you just in the considering homeschool stage? It’s easier than you think!
Sometimes this freedom can lead to overwhelm. There can be too many good things to choose from.
Three things to think about when choosing your dyslexia options
There is no one right way to parent or educate your outside-the-box kids.
Every family has a unique dynamic consisting of diagnoses, number of children, time, finances, etc.
There are some guidelines however for deciding:
Is it research-based?
I’m a firm believer in stepping outside the box in teaching our kids. I also strongly believe that parents know their kids better than any teacher or Ph.D. doing research. That being said, I did waste a lot of time in my early years of homeschooling kids with dyslexia on programs and products that were marketed cleverly but that were not based on any science of learning. Dyslexia is the most researched learning issue. Always weigh your choice of tutor or curriculum on whether it is based on evidence.
Related: What is the Orton-Gillingham Approach to Teaching Reading?
Does it meet the unique needs of my family right now?
Depending on your current stage of family life, you will need to prioritize the time, energy, and money that you have. Choosing which programs and products to use at any given time will depend on these 3 factors. For example, you may choose to stop a certain therapy for a certain time if going to that appointment is putting too much pressure on your home life. Likewise with classes and co-ops. There are seasons when this may be a great addition to your homeschool and others where it isn’t. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that this is a journey. Focusing too much on the final destination will lead to frustration and overwhelm. Teach with the mindset of one year at a time. What does my child need in this season?
Does it meet the needs of my unique child right now?
Having an understanding of the unique learning needs of kids with language-based learning difficulties like dyslexia is super important as we make decisions for our homeschools. Over the years I have learned a lot about what really is important and what isn’t, especially as I look back at my own kids’ education. For example, elementary school (and even well into middle school) does not need to mimic a traditional school in any way. Pressuring ourselves and our kids to learn in the same way or at the same pace as traditional learners is setting us up for failure or at least a ton of stress and discouragement.
How to find support and encouragement
One thing that has been the biggest encouragement to me as I learn to teach my kids with dyslexia is having others on the journey with me.
Whether this was local homeschool parents, tutors that understood my kids, or online groups – having others who understood what I was experiencing was a huge help.
Two ways to get support and encouragement
My online mentoring group costs $15/month (or get 2 months free with a yearly membership) and includes a monthly Master Class as well as four options to join a Zoom Live Chat each month. (Zoom meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and Thursdays of every month at 5:30 pm Pacific) This is a great way to keep learning and get connected to other parents who understand what you’re experiencing.
Consulting 50% off through December 31st.
For the month of December, I am offering my consulting/coaching services at 50% off. This is a great way to ask all your questions and get the answers you’ve been searching for quickly. Learn from my 26 years of homeschooling kids with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. Enter discount code workwithme50 at checkout.
Visit the Start Here Page if you’re new to your dyslexia journey for some of the best, foundational posts to get you started in the right direction.
Visit our Resources Page for the very best curriculum and teaching resources for your kids with dyslexia.