In today’s podcast episode we’re talking about the different types of dyslexia assessments, what tests are performed, how to get an official diagnosis, and how to find testers with expertise in dyslexia.

In today’s podcast episode we’re talking about the different types of dyslexia assessments, what tests are performed, how to get an official diagnosis, and how to find testers with expertise in dyslexia.
I currently work at a public school where my child attended the fifth grade. I recently have withdrawn her because I have been requesting testing for her the past 4 years. She was given a cognitive evaluation last year and I was told she was average in every area yet 3 grade levels behind. Now 4 years behind. She struggles to retain any information she reads and reads at a first to second grade level. She also can’t remember the rules for simple math problems without getting frustrated. She has always struggled with written expression and mixes her letters up and writes them backwards. I have requested an additional evaluation in writing and they broke all time requirements and never finished the evaluations. They refuse to diagnose dyslexia and the teacher refused to accommodate. They do not test for dyslexia in my entire county and my own doctor did not know where to refer her to be tested. I know how to teach kids with dyslexia because I am trained but I just wanted her to get additional help. Can you please provide me with the websites to find a qualified person to test her?
Hi Holly. I’m so sorry to hear your sad story. Here is the link to an article I wrote on how to find testing. Good luck!!