If you have ever been interested in how to unschool full-time or even temporarily (sometimes referred to as deschooling) you will want to listen to this interview with the amazing Sue Patterson from Unschooling Mom 2 Mom.

Watch the video below or listen to the audio here:
Join us as we learn from Sue Patterson, veteran homeschool mom turned homeschool consultant, on how to unschool our kids.
Sue shares how unschooling, or self-directed learning, is an excellent option for ‘beyond-the-box’ homeschooling.
Sue answers all of the common questions about how kids can succeed in life by simply following their interests.
In this interview she shares her own story, ideas for getting started, and very actionable strategies for documenting learning so you don’t feel like you aren’t doining enough.
This is one of the most informative talks I have heard on the subject of implementing self-directed learning in your homeschool.