13 Reading Comprehension Activities Without Handwriting

by | May 5, 2015 | Teaching Tips | 0 comments

The traditional method of checking reading comprehension usually involves having a student hand write answers to a series of written questions.  This method is useful for efficiency in a classroom setting but it can be an inaccurate and unproductive practice for students with dyslexia who often struggle to spell and write with ease.

Reading Comprehension Activities

I am a huge fan of narration – telling back what was learned in a particular passage.  This is easily implemented at daily read aloud time.  Read a passage and stop from time to time to ask kids to tell back what they learned.  This is an excellent way to gauge reading comprehension and provides practice in forming complex sentence structures.

The following are more ideas that do not involve extensive written answers, which can free a child who is struggling in that area to enjoy relating their knowledge and also promote reading comprehension.

Reading Comprehension Activities

1. Make a picture of  2-3 characters in the story. Cut them out.   Brainstorm a list of each character’s traits and write them on the back of each cut out.

2. Make a time-line of events either in pictorial or in written form.

3. Pretend you’re a news reporter and provide an oral broadcast of the story.

4. Use puppets to help you re-tell the story.

5. Make a comic strip of the story.

6. Write (or dictate) part 2 or a sequel to the story.

7. If you could be in this story, decide which person you would be and tell why.

8. Prepare a commercial to sell this book to somebody who hasn’t yet read it.

9. Create a poster to spark interest in others to read the book.

10. Write 5 questions that somebody who has read the book should be able to answer.

11. Design a new cover for this book.

12. Is there a problem in the story? How was it solved? How could it be solved in another way?

13. Write the author telling him your opinion about the book and why.

Consider putting these activities on cards and let your kids choose which activity they will do.

Click here for more ideas on the best accommodations for the dyslexic learner.

Teaching bright kids who learn differently requires creativity.  Don’t be afraid to think out side the box in how you teach your kids with dyslexia!



  1. Dyslexia | Reading Comprehension | Dyslexia | Dyslexic Advantage - […] 13 Reading Comprehension Activities Without Handwriting    Marianne Sunderland’s Homeschooling with Dyslexia has some nice ideas how to check […]

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