Your Questions Answered

Your Questions Answered

If you are new to the idea of homeschooling with dyslexia and need information on how to get started, how your kids can learn, especially reading, and how to choose curriculum, visit the Start Here page.

For more information on dyslexia including signs of dyslexia, myths and facts about dyslexia and more, visit the Dyslexia FAQs page.

The more you know as the teacher of a dyslexic child, the better.  Our own homeschool was transformed when I took responsibility for getting educated about how my kids learned and the best methods for teaching them.  Visit our Courses page for a list of parent education classes that are available.

Visit the Resources page for lists of books, curricula and assistive technology that is of benefit to the dyslexic learner.

Visit and subscribe to the Homeschooling With Dyslexia blog to find weekly articles, resource and product reviews, and teaching tips for homeschooling your dyslexic child.

Also See:

Benefits to Homeschooling a Child with Dyslexia
