Homeschooling a Child With Inattentive ADHD
Successfully homeschooling a child with inattentive ADHD isn't always easy but the freedom and flexibility to them in the way they learn is of such benefit, it is worth the struggle. Today's Mailbox Monday question has to do with just that: "Do you have any experience...
What is Executive Function Weakness?
What is Executive Function? Executive Function refers to the set of mental skills that help people plan, organize, remember things, prioritize, pay attention and get started on tasks. They also help people use information and experiences from the past to solve current...
Planning and Organizing For Homeschool Success
Taking time each quarter to plan for and organize your homeschool will help you have the most successful homeschool possible. After more than 20 years of teaching my kids at home, I've finally got to a place where I can set goals, make priorities, and avoid many of...
Strategies for Helping Your Unorganized, Unmotivated Child
If you have an unorganized child, they may need more intentional help to teach and practice basic organizational skills. In my last post, Help For The Hopelessly Unorganized Child, we talked about signs of poor executive function which is essentially the ability to...