by Marianne | Focus & Motivation, Teaching Tips
Today we’re going to focus on ways to increase autonomy; how giving homeschooled students more choice in their schedules and learning can have a big impact on their level of engagement and motivation. Last week I shared some research on Self-Determination Theory that...
by Marianne | Focus & Motivation, Life Skills
I hear from parents every week whose are having trouble motivating their struggling learners. While they’re not outright refusing to learn, they’re bored, uninterested, and often procrastinate getting started and finishing assignments. If you prefer to listen to this...
by Marianne | Dyslexia Information, Focus & Motivation
Years ago my son’s occupational therapist recommended he do some heavy work activities every day to calm his mind and body and to help improve his focus and learning. I had never heard of this before but because of the impact these simple actions have had on his...
by Marianne | Focus & Motivation, Organization
Successfully homeschooling a child with inattentive ADHD isn’t always easy but the freedom and flexibility to them in the way they learn is of such benefit, it is worth the struggle. Today’s Mailbox Monday question has to do with just that: “Do you...
by Marianne | Focus & Motivation, Organization, Teaching Tips
What is Executive Function? Executive Function refers to the set of mental skills that help people plan, organize, remember things, prioritize, pay attention and get started on tasks. They also help people use information and experiences from the past to solve current...
by Marianne | Focus & Motivation, Life Skills
ADD and ADHD affect many areas of life including social situations, down time at home, ability to complete daily chores, and even sports and music practice. Here are some natural treatments for ADHD and ADD that may help your child. Why a post on ADHD on a...