Teaching Tips

How I Teach Handwriting to my Kids With Dysgraphia

How I Teach Handwriting to my Kids With Dysgraphia

Teaching handwriting to kids with dysgraphia involves modification, remediation, and accommodations. This is how I teach my kids with dysgraphia handwriting. I should have known something was wrong when my 6-year old struggled for weeks to scratch out the 3 letters...

My Favorite Homeschool Hack – Morning Time

My Favorite Homeschool Hack – Morning Time

I've tried many homeschool methods and schedules over my 20 years of homeschooling.  Our prefered homeschool methods and schedules have changed with each year depending on the age and number of kids, mom's health and a myriad of other factors.  However, Morning Time...

8 Ways We Limit Screen Time in Our Home

8 Ways We Limit Screen Time in Our Home

Does your relaxed summer schedule cause your kids to beg for more and more screen time?  As much as I dislike it at times, we live in a highly digital world where apps, games and videos are simply a bigger and bigger part of our daily lives. So how do we limit screen...

Getting the Most Out of Your Summer Homeschool

Getting the Most Out of Your Summer Homeschool

Did you see it?  I finally overcame my fears and posted a video on Facebook LIVE! (See the video at the end of this post) The topic of the video was on how to get the most out of your summer school time. Now if you're groaning at the thought of teaching your kids all...

How to Make Teaching Reading Fun

Hands up who likes doing things that are difficult, boring or painful? Right, I thought so. Me neither! The first thing you need to remember when teaching a child with dyslexia to read is that reading for a dyslexic is difficult - very difficult! The next thing that...

A Day in the Life of our Homeschool

A Day in the Life of our Homeschool

I love talking about homeschooling kids with dyslexia.  That is because I believe so strongly in the freedom and flexibility that homeschooling provides for all families, regardless of how they learn. However, if you've homeschooled for more than say, 5 minutes, you...

Back-to-Homeschool Survival Tips

The public schools in our area are heading back to school this week.  We're heading to the beach since there is a heat wave here in Southern California.  This is definitely one of the perks of choosing to homeschool - sweet freedom! I encourage moms to take full...

Creating a Homeschool Schedule That Really Works

Creating a Homeschool Schedule That Really Works

  We've been talking about homeschool planning this week.  Yesterday we talked about setting goals for your child. First, a few important points the we covered in the past few days: Subjects like reading and writing and math are all done at your child's current...