by Marianne | Teaching Tips
How important is academic success to overall success? The answer may surprise you! We’re continuing our 5-days to a more confident homeschool series. Read the entire series starting here. I’m going to start this post with a story – my story actually....
by Marianne | By The Grade
As the mother of 8, seven with dyslexia and two 10th graders looking to their futures, I set out to write this 10-day series on Preparing Your Student with Dyslexia for College Success so that I would have the info that I need to help my dyslexic kids to be successful...
by Marianne | By The Grade
Your student with dyslexia may be prepared for college and even be accepted into their college of choice, but what about paying for college? Let’s take a look at options for financial aid for students with dyslexia. Thank you for joining me for this 10-day...
by Marianne | By The Grade
Thank you for joining me on for this 10-day series on Preparing Your Student With Dyslexia for College Success.  To read the whole series, click here. We’ve taken a good look at getting ready for college, acquiring the skills needed, understanding the different...
by Marianne | By The Grade
Thank you for joining me on for this 10-day series on Preparing Your Student With Dyslexia for College Success. Â To read the whole series, click here. One major roadblock for dyslexic students trying to get into college is performing well on college entrance...