Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can parents teach their kids with dyslexia? Teaching a child with dyslexia to read, write, and spell is a challenge, yes, but with the individualized attention that is inherent in the homeschool environment, not only is it possible, it can actually be the best path...

Why I’m Thankful for my Kids’ Dyslexia

I realize that this may be a sensitive subject for some of you reading this today. Some of you are new to the world of dyslexia. Maybe you already have a dyslexia diagnosis or maybe your child is struggling and you suspect dyslexia. Maybe you’re considering...
The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

Are you surviving rather than thriving in your homeschool? I get emails all the time from homeschool parents with stories like this: “I feel like I know what needs to get done, but because of my kids’ dyslexia, I can’t quite do it. Everything takes...