by Marianne | Teaching Tips
Do you have a child who shuts down when it comes to learning? This week’s Mailbox Monday speaks to this situation. “My son IMMEDIATELY says “I don’t know” to ANY educational question. No thought or attempt to try. Any suggestions for that? Have...
by Marianne | Dyslexia Information, Life Skills
In a 20-year longitudinal study of struggling learners, researchers uncovered six success attributes associated with dyslexia success. The good news is these are all things that you as a parent or teacher can foster in your kids in the day to day. I vividly remember...
by Marianne | Encouragement
It’s early September and I’ve already seriously considered putting one of my kids in school. It probably has a lot to do with the age of said child – 15 going on 25 – but 3 weeks into the school year does seem rather soon to consider quitting...
by Marianne | Teaching Tips
Cultivating a growth mindset in my kids has had an amazing impact on our day-to-day interactions. Where I used to hear a lot of negative self-talk, I now hear my kids actually coaching themselves to use another strategy or telling me to wait while they ‘find the...
by Marianne | Encouragement
I loved going to school everyday as a kid. I loved the tidy rows of desks and the matching textbooks and workbooks. I loved completing assignments and checking of all the boxes. When I first began homeschooling, I set out to create this same environment for my own...