In today's podcast episode, I share four reasons to consider testing your homeschooled kids for dyslexia and ADHD. There are important differences between testing a child who is in public school and testing a child who is homeschooled.
How to Have Your Child Tested for Dyslexia
In today's podcast episode we're talking about the different types of dyslexia assessments, what tests are performed, how to get an official diagnosis, and how to find testers with expertise in dyslexia.
Informal Reading Assessments
Have you ever wondered at what grade level your child is reading? Have you wanted a way to measure your child's reading progress? Informal reading assessments can be a valuable way to see how your child is progressing. Assessments can also show you areas where you...
Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia
This article will discuss the pros and cons of joining a homeschool charter school for children with dyslexia. Despite a growing awareness of dyslexia, the traditional school setting continues to fail to offer students with dyslexia the kind of individualized...
How and When to Hire a Dyslexia Tutor
Teaching reading to a dyslexic learner takes time, dedication and hard work. There is no quick fix and if anyone tells you that there is, they are probably trying to sell you something that you don’t need.  It was once believed that a child may outgrow his or her...
What to do When Your Child is Diagnosed With Dyslexia
Was your child diagnosed with dyslexia? Here is what you need to know as you begin your dyslexia journey. If you would prefer to listen to this post, click the play button above. Â I get a lot of emails from concerned parents who have recently discovered that their...
Dyslexia in Disguise: Other Names for Dyslexia
I was recently talking with a mom who was telling me that her son had an auditory processing problem and was a terrible reader but did not have dyslexia. Â This sort of threw me for a loop because I couldn't figure out why this otherwise bright child didn't have...
Early Intervention for Kids With Dyslexia
When we first began our dyslexia journey, we were told that our 7 1/2 year old son was just a late bloomer. Â We adopted a wait and see approach to his reading delays. Â It is now known that early intervention for kids with dyslexia is vital. That boy did learn to read...
How and When to Get Tested for Dyslexia
Do you suspect your child has dyslexia? Deciding to have your child tested for dyslexia is a big decision. We are going to take a look at how to test for dyslexia and when to make that decision. If you prefer to listen to this post, click on the player below:...
Parenting a Child With Dyslexia: Expectations & Reality
I don't know why the end-of-year conferences with my kids' educational therapist makes me so nervous.  It is a strange thing really. Parenting a child with dyslexia can feel like a huge responsibility. My kids' improvement in reading, writing and spelling, or lack...