Do you suspect your child has dyslexia? Deciding to have your child tested for dyslexia is a big decision. We are going to take a look at how to test for dyslexia and when to make that decision.

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Dyslexia: Mild, Moderate or Profound
Dyslexia varies in severity. Two of my children are what can be called profoundly dyslexic. They are both very bright and creative but struggled way more than my other dyslexic kids with reading, writing and spelling. Two of my kids were moderately dyslexic. They struggled with reading but after time and with perseverance, were able to read and spell well by working with me at home. One of my kids was mildly dyslexic and though she was behind her peers for a time, is currently working at and above her grade level.
Individual strengths and weaknesses vary within each child. The underlying causes of dyslexia are deficits or lags in auditory processing, visual processing, working memory, and sometimes executive function. The degree of these deficits is what causes different severities of dyslexia symptoms.
Learn more about the underlying causes of dyslexia with my parent education course here.
There came a time in one of our children’s life that we knew he was simply not progressing at an acceptable pace and that we needed help. He was already in 5th grade but still unable to read much of anything on his own.
The first step to getting help is knowing the different types of testing and assessments that are available.
Types of Testing
- Quick Assessment: This is the least expensive and time consuming type of testing. It can be done by an educational therapist or tutor who specializes in reading. This type of assessment will help you know what specific instructional needs your child needs to get caught up or on track with schoolwork.
- Limited Testing of Specific Language Areas: This middle level of assessment can be done at a specialized reading clinic and does not include in depth IQ and neuropsychological testing. Please note that this type of reading clinic is one that specializes in dyslexia, not the Sylvan or Kumon general tutoring centers.
- Full Psycho-educational Testing: This includes a battery of standardized tests as well as some non standardized assessments specifically chosen by the licensed tester to evaluate the specific issues of each individual. Includes a detailed questionnaire about the history of your child’s development and behavior. This also includes IQ testing to compare your child’s potential to performance. A significant difference between these two areas is considered one of the hallmark signs of dyslexia.
Why Test for Dyslexia?
If you suspect that your child has dyslexia based on the typical signs and characteristics, do you need to have them tested? No. However, even though dyslexia is the most common reason for an otherwise bright person to struggle with reading, accurate testing can help a potential tutor to know your child’s particular weaknesses and the best way to tutor them.
Students with an official dyslexia diagnosis can also qualify to accommodations in testing and other educational situations as well.
Other reasons that I recommend parents have their homeschooled kids with dyslexia tested are:
- to allay fears of concerned family members who may think that it is your fault that your kids aren’t reading
- to help an older child to understand that they really are smart!
- if you may be needing some kind of official accommodations – such as in mandatory standardized testing
Listen to this recent podcast on deciding to have your child tested for dyslexia.
What age should be tested?
People can be accurately tested for dyslexia from the age of five. Since early intervention has been shown to decrease any lag in education, the earlier the better.
Who gives the tests?
Dyslexia testing and diagnosis is performed by a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) or Neuropsychologist. It is important that the professional who tests your child be an expert in dyslexia so that they understand which tests to give and how to score them. Here is a list of questions to ask a potential tester:
- What is your training?
- What license do you hold?
- How long have you been evaluating children?
- Are you familiar with dyslexia? What do you think dyslexia is?
- What are some of the tests that you use?
- Will you be able to refer us to an educational therapist?
- Will you meet with us and provide a written report after the testing?
- If my child his diagnosed with dyslexia, what specific method would you recommend?
How to find a dyslexia tester in your area
It may be difficult to find a tester in your area. You may have to drive some ways to find someone who is uniquely qualified. To find a tester in your area, ask local schools, tutoring centers, and other parents or contact one of the following organizations:
International Dyslexia Association
Academic Language Therapy Association
Association of Educational Therapists
Which tests are given?
The standardized tests that kids take each year in school, measure how much they know in each subject – math, history, science, etc. The type of test for dyslexia is a diagnostic test. The administration of an appropriate diagnostic test can show in which specific areas your child is weak. These results can be used to better understand areas to focus on in school or therapy and also prove eligibility for special programs in schools and colleges.
A series of tests (or a sub-series of tests) are usually chosen based on the issues that the child is having. Areas tested include: IQ, language abilities, and academic achievement in specific areas. expressive oral language, expressive written language, receptive oral language, receptive written language, intellectual functioning, cognitive processing, and educational achievement. The reason that an IQ test is administered is to determine if there is a gap between what the child is capable of and what he is actually achieving. This is a tell-tale sign of dyslexia. The will help to determine whether the learning problems are specific to reading or if they are related to something else such as ADD/ADHD, emotional disorders, or physical or sensory problems.
Can the public school give the tests?
Public schools in most areas are required to test children who live in their service area, whether they attend the school or not. However, most public schools do not test for dyslexia. They are testing children to see if they are eligible for special education services. There is a big difference between eligibility testing and diagnostic testing. Often times, they are not even aware that there are tests for dyslexia that can be administered. If you speak to the school, be sure to ask the questions above to determine if they meet the qualifications and that they can provide the right type of information that you are looking for – specifically if your child has dyslexia and what his or her specific areas of weakness are.
How much does it cost?
The cost of testing varies from state to state. Dyslexia is not considered a medical condition so it is usually not covered by insurance. However, we were able to get two of our kids tested through our insurance’s behavioral health department.
A few last tips for testing
Select an evaluator that is especially knowledgeable in the specific area that you have concerns. Some specialize in ADHD while others are more knowledgeable about reading, math, or writing.
Keep notes of which specific areas your child is struggling so that the tester knows better what to test for.
Testing your child is not always necessary for teaching them successfully. Know that teaching reading and other language arts to a dyslexic child takes more time, more intensity and much more practice than teaching a child without dyslexia. If you don’t have the time or the ability to teach them as well as you would like, it may be time to consider testing and tutoring.
For more information on testing and finding a qualified educational therapist for your child, read my book, Dyslexia 101: A Parent’s Quick Start Guide to Navigating the World of Dyslexia.

Regarding the statement “Dyslexia is not considered a medical condition so it is not covered by insurance.” That statement may not be entirely true. It is best to check with the provider and with your insurance provider (you might ask for the “mental health” people at the insurance company if your insurance provides such coverage). In our case, we went to a neuropsychologist who was well recommended in our area. The insurance company did pay for some of the testing. By the time we went for follow up testing a couple of years later, we had switched to a high deductible plan. Our insurance would have paid for some of the testing IF we reached or deductible, which we knew would not happen. We paid the provider in cash and received a considerable discount. We could have submitted the bill on our own to the Insurance company with the proper paper work and had them apply what they could to our deductible, but did not do so.
My point: always ask your provider and Insurance company.
Our insurance did cover the testing with the nuero-psychologist. It does pay go check with your insurance company.
Wow! What insurance company do you have? I have Kaiser and they have been very difficult to work with.
We are just at the beginning of some of this testing and my daughter has some additional problems that also needed treatment. Either way we were told insurance may or may not cover because it’s considered “educational” and not “medical”. So far we have been able to find in network providers who did testing with everything covered except $30 copay each visit through blue cross blue shield. Still figuring it out, but so far so good.
You are very fortunate Emmi. That doesn’t happen very often. 🙂
Yes, I just spoke with my insurance company and they said dyslexia was covered under Mental Health along with ADD/ADHD. So the key is finding a network provider who meets the testing criteria.
Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield covered 100% of our testing as well
I’m so glad for this. I’ve been dragging my feet because if the cost but nowi have a different plan of attack. We called recommended testers, and they said they were not covered by insurance. But it didn’t occur to me too start with insurance and find a provider who maybe was in network. I think this is really a big issue because so many places online it says this testing is not covered. But you’re absolutely right. Always check with your provider first!
thanks for sharing such an great post.. it was really nice post. looking forward for more posts.
Excellent article! I wish I had realized the importance of testing when my children were young. I had only a clue that they had struggles that were different than “normal,” but didn’t realize the extent of it until very late, when they were far behind grade level, which although somewhat subjective for homeschoolers, still impacts their skills and ability levels. Also wanted to note that programs like Lindamood Bell and NILD address learning difficulties, and can substantially help!
My son has not officially been diagnosed with dyslexi. He is 11 and shows many characteristics of dyslexia. He is homeschooled using Baryon Reading/Spelling.
I would think he would need to be tested before college in order to get accommodations for applying and for his college classroom performance. At what time should a child be tested if homeschooled?
To receive accommodations on college entrance exams and in college, there needs to be recent testing – usually this means within 3 years of needing the accommodation. I would check the web site of the college entrance exam your child will take (ACT or SAT) and get the most recent info.
You are correct. Not only would your son need to have an evaluation by a recognized authority, you’d need to apply to the College Board at least 7 weeks prior to your child sitting for the exam. Once you have a diagnosis and, perhaps an IEP and/or 504 Plan, you must apply to have the listed accommodations approved by the College Board for use during the testing situation. If you receive approval, it is good for one year.
Our experience with Lindamood seemed good till I met with a professional in speech and reading. The evaluations were out of date and inconclusive. I would not be able to use the results to gain ANY type of accommodations or access to services.
Universities may offer free screenings and if your child qualifies, a free neurological exam.
Licensed speech-language pathologists also play a role in dyslexia evaluations by giving many types of receptive and expressive language and reading assessments. Also, they can provide assessments to assist with a diagnosis of auditory processing; however an audiologist tests and makes that final diagnosis. ASHA and IDA websites provide a wealth of information on both disorders.
Thank you Joyce!
I have dyslexia and my twin sister is worried that her kids might have it as well. So, I liked that you explained that most public schools have to test children for dyslexia. That will probably help my sister relax a bit about getting them tested.
Ivy Baker,
Schools will frequently wait to test for educational disabilities until the 3rd grade – when the child is years behind and is ‘failing’. Even then, they are reluctant to do so. I sent my child to private school for KG, and planned to continue with it. However, he did not ‘pass’ kindergarten. They had no special education teachers and I would have had to request the county public schools to assess him. I put him public school for 1st grade and gave a written request for an IEP the first day. The school resisted greatly and said ‘to wait.’ We knew there was a problem – so why wait? Wait to be further behind? Wait for more frustration? My point is don’t wait for the schools to ask you to test your child. Ask them and ask them early. Furthermore, many states do not recognize Dyslexia. If it doesn’t exist, one does not have to treat it. So, in my State, we could not ask the schools to test for dyslexia. The school diagnosed my child with behavioral issues and not learning disabilities. I sent him to a neuropsychologist and developmental pediatrician who diagnosed him with ADHD and auditory dyslexia. With medication, a private tutor, and a neuropsychologist who taught my son how to ask for what he needed and taught him strategies to deal with his frustrations, my son learned to read at age 6. He was always a top student in math. The school did NONE of that for me. If we had waited until he was 9, he would just be so much further behind.
Very informative. Thank you.
If you are in college can you be tested at the school if it is a public college, or will I need to find another place to be tested?
It depends on the school. You have to ask the school. Here is an article from a series on dyslexia and college that I wrote:
Hi everyone, my situation may be a tad different. My girlfriend is 63 years old, on passport ins. She has dyslexia and can not read/write, no imagination, is at present, a 1-2nd grade education. I have tried to help her but in no way am I a fit teacher. I’m a 100% disabled Vietnam era veteran and God knows I want to help her learn to read and write before I pass-on. So far, I have read nothing for older people with reading, spelling difficulties. It has all be about/concerning children. My girlfriend is an adult but a child at heart. She wants to learn and I have tried to hire people to teach her, but when it comes down to it, they don’t have the time. I’ve tried to find retired teachers that might care to help, but no luck to this date. I had her tested at an adult education center, they said my girlfriend is at a 1st to 2nd grade level. I don’t see that or agree because my girlfriend can’t read some two and three letter words. I have never met a person with no imagination. She can’t picture/imagine any thing not visible. Yes, she did have a very bad childhood life, abused by brothers/incest. My girlfriend is a survivor, she can-can foods, cook, work with wood, she does gardening, cleans homes, but can’t read or write. She is not mentally ill. Yes, deeply hurt by what happen as a child, but in no way is she mentally ill.
I just found this web site tonight. I have searched almost everyday trying to find help for her and this site to my surprise, seems to care. I am begging any of you to direct me to where I can get my girlfriend tested correctly and help her learn to read before I pass-on. My name is Gary T. Hayes, Sr. I have heart/lung, blood pressure problems. I don’t have a lot of time on my side. Please email me back, God knows we can use some good news.
Thank you all for your’ help and time in advance.
Regards, Mr. Gary T. Hayes, Sr.
PS: her name is Twahla Walker
Hi Gary,
Does Twahla have insurance? Even state insurance can help with this kind of testing. What did the adult education center recommend? Search for adult literacy programs in your area. Another resource is Decoding Dyslexia in your state. Many times with this kind of visualization problem, reading comprehension is affected. You have a great heart. Good luck to you!
We are scheduled to meet with the school board for testing for my son. My husband has some concerns about going through the public school. (We currently homeschool) Will anything go on my son’s permanent record if he is diagnosed? Could it possibly affect him negatively to have an official diagnosis? My husband is worried that he will be labeled with a mental disability and that he might not get hired for specific jobs, or that he won’t be allowed to get a license if laws change. He is mostly concerned about putting anything on our son’s permanent record. Who will see those records? Thanks so much for this article.
Does anyone know who I could call to get my child tested for dyslexia if she is homeschooled?
I was wondering which assessment test to choose for a 7th grader with dyslexia? I live in New York state and we have to have the student take an assessment test every other year until high school.
Have you ever heard of the neuro learning test? It’s from the authors of the Dyslexic Advantage. They don’t say if your child has dyslexia, but will strongly suggests if they do. If you have heard of it, or have any info, do you think this is enough testing, or should I go further?
Does anyone know who I could call to get my child tested for dyslexia if she is homeschooled?
Yes, I just spoke with my insurance company and they said dyslexia was covered under Mental Health along with ADD/ADHD. So the key is finding a network provider who meets the testing criteria.