Preparing Your Student With Dyslexia for College Success

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If you are preparing your student with dyslexia for college, you may be concerned about whether or not they are prepared to handle the rigors of a traditional college course of study.

This10-part series will address many of these questions and concerns. This series will elaborate on the skills needed for a student with dyslexia to succeed in college so that you can begin to prepare now.

dyslexia college

There are programs, accommodations, laws, and even scholarships for dyslexic students. Despite the extra effort students must put in, many dyslexics have successfully graduated from college. Despite difficulties processing the written word, with the right planning and preparation, your dyslexic child can achieve his or her dream of earning a college degree.

Much of the info that I am presenting in this series was gleaned from a seminar I attended a few years ago at the International Dyslexia Association. As I researched further into each of these topics, I began to be so excited! There are so many options for our kids who learn differently. I hope this series will be as encouraging for you to read as it was for me to write.

Preparing the Dyslexic High School Student for College

College Readiness: What Successful Students Do

Technology Helps for the Dyslexic College Student

Understanding the Differences Between High School & College

Types of College Support Programs

How to Find the Right College

Educational Options for After High School

College Entrance Exams: SAT & ACT Accommodations

Understanding the Application Process

Financial Aid and Scholarships for Dyslexics

Alternatives to a Traditional College Degree

Why do you want your child to go to college?

Some things for you to be thinking about as you go through this series:

  • Why do you want your child to go to college?
  • What is the goal?
  • Is your child motivated to go to college?
  • Is there another path that may serve your dyslexic student better than college such as a trade school or starting their own business?

I do not propose these questions to cause doubt but rather to make sure that you are not just doing what everybody else is doing, but truly seeking the best path for your child. Talk these things over with your kids. Find out where they stand on furthering their education. There are many options and many helps for your kids. Anything is possible!

Are you preparing a dyslexic child for college? What are some of your concerns?


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