For kids with dyslexia or dyscalculia who struggle to learn their math facts, structured, multi-sensory, and explicit math programs are the most effective. Here are some research-supported and widely recommended programs:
1. Multi-sensory and Structured Programs
These programs use visual, auditory, and kinesthetic methods to reinforce math facts.
- TouchMath – Uses a tactile approach where kids touch and count dots on numbers.
- Multi-sensory Math by Marilyn Zecher – Uses manipulatives, movement, and structured strategies to help struggling learners.
- Making Math Real – A multi-sensory, structured program focused on conceptual understanding.
- On Cloud Nine (Lindamood-Bell) – Uses imagery-based instruction to improve mental math and visualization.
2. Programs Specifically Designed for Dyscalculia
These programs target foundational number sense and fluency.
- Dynamo Math – Assesses and remediates dyscalculia using step-by-step interventions.
- Calcularis – Adaptive software that builds number sense and fluency.
- The NumberSense Program (Ronit Bird) – Hands-on, structured methods for developing math intuition.
3. Fact Fluency and Mastery Programs
These are designed to help with math fact recall.
- Reflex Math – Gamified adaptive practice that focuses on automaticity.
- Times Tales – Uses mnemonic-based storytelling to teach multiplication facts.
- Rocket Math – Incremental fact practice that builds fluency over time.
- XtraMath – A simple, free program to improve fact recall.

4. Math Programs with Built-in Scaffolding
These programs provide explicit instruction and strategies to help struggling learners.
- Singapore Math (CPA Approach: Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) – Uses visual and hands-on learning before moving to abstract numbers.
- RightStart Mathematics – A research-based, visual, and hands-on approach to math that reduces reliance on rote memorization.
- Math U See – Uses color-coded manipulatives and videos for structured learning.
- Jump Math – Breaks concepts into small, scaffolded steps for better understanding.
Other Math Resources
[Online Parent Course] Teaching Math to Kids With Dyscalculia
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A huge list of hands-on math resources on my Amazon Storefront
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