By The Subject

Dyslexia:  Mastering Math

Dyslexia: Mastering Math

Is your dyslexic child struggling with math? Here are some tips to help you teach math to your students with dyslexia . Although the term 'dyslexia' refers to difficulty with reading and language (dis = poor or inadequate and  lexia = words or language), it effects...

Trouble With Math? Understanding Dyscalculia

Trouble With Math? Understanding Dyscalculia

I get a lot of emails from concerned parents whose kids with dyslexia are also struggling with math. There are a variety of reasons a child with dyslexia will have trouble with math, sometimes known as dyscalculia. It is super helpful to understand more about...

How to Teach Spelling to Kids with Dyslexia

Teaching spelling to kids with dyslexia is similar to teaching reading with a few important differences. I have written a lot about teaching reading to kids with dyslexia but not as much about spelling. I also get a lot of emails from parents concerned about their...

Choosing a Homeschool History Curriculum

Choosing a Homeschool History Curriculum

There are a ton of options for choosing a homeschool history curriculum for kids with dyslexia. In my previous post, the Grade-by-Grade Homeschool Curriculum Guide  we talked about what areas to focus on grade-by-grade. Homeschool History Curriculum for the...