Teaching Tips

Informal Reading Assessments

Informal Reading Assessments

Have you ever wondered at what grade level your child is reading? Have you wanted a way to measure your child's reading progress? Informal reading assessments can be a valuable way to see how your child is progressing. Assessments can also show you areas where you...

Help for the Shut Down Learner

Help for the Shut Down Learner

Do you have a child who shuts down when it comes to learning? This week's Mailbox Monday speaks to this situation. "My son IMMEDIATELY says “I don’t know” to ANY educational question. No thought or attempt to try.  Any suggestions for that?  Have any of your...

Overcoming Dysteachia

Overcoming Dysteachia

This post on Overcoming Dysteachia was first published as a series of weekly newsletters. Since it struck a nerve with so many of you, I am republishing it here. Subscribe to the newsletter here. Table of contentsOvercoming Dysteachia Means Redefining...

Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia

Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia

This article will discuss the pros and cons of joining a homeschool charter school for children with dyslexia. Despite a growing awareness of dyslexia, the traditional school setting continues to fail to offer students with dyslexia the kind of individualized...

My Homeschool Success Formula

My Homeschool Success Formula

Are you looking for a formula for success as you homeschool your struggling learners? This is the closest thing you will find to a formula for a more peaceful, purposeful homeschool. To listen to this post, click on the player below. When our family first started...

How Important is Academic Success?

How Important is Academic Success?

How important is academic success to overall success? The answer may surprise you! We're continuing our 5-days to a more confident homeschool series. Read the entire series starting here. I'm going to start this post with a story - my story actually. It's important...