Understanding Dyslexia
Why your dyslexic child is resisting reading instruction and what to do about it.
Is your dyslexic child resisting reading instruction? Honestly, I would be surprised if they weren’t. Learning to read as a child with dyslexia is HARD! I talk to parents every week who are experiencing some kind of resistance to reading instruction from...
Neurofeedback and Learning Difficulties
Neurofeedback, a cutting-edge therapeutic technique, has emerged as a promising tool that combines technology, neuroscience, and psychology to reshape the way we understand and treat various learning difficulties. In this blog post, we will explore what neurofeedback...
Helping the Chronically Negative Child
Do you have a child who tends to focus on the negative? One whose glass is always half empty? I do and I’m here to say that it can really be exhausting and discouraging at times. I tend to be an optimist and I dislike negativity, probably to a fault. So facing a child...
Choosing the Best Dyslexia Help Program
Determining if a dyslexia help program is the best one for your family involves careful research and evaluation. Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects reading and writing skills, and it's essential to choose a program that is evidence-based and provides...
Myths About ADHD
It's important to recognize these myths to better understand and support individuals with ADHD. Here are some common myths: Myth: ADHD is not a real disorder. Fact: ADHD is a recognized and well-documented neurodevelopmental disorder. It is backed by scientific...
What Parents and Kids Need to Know About Dyslexia
The very first step on your dyslexia journey is to gain an understanding of what dyslexia is. This article will share the key information parents need to know about dyslexia. A successful dyslexia journey starts with understanding. What is Dyslexia? First let's define...
Successful People With Dyslexia
One way to encourage your kids with dyslexia is to learn more about people with dyslexia who found success as adults. Most of the following dyslexic adults had to overcome significant obstacles to get to where they are now. Knowing this can help our kids face their...
How to Homeschool Kids With Dyslexia
After homeschooling my seven kids with dyslexia for nearly 30 years, here is what I want you to know about how to homeschool your kids with dyslexia. I'm working on writing and recording a new Parent Master Class on what you need to know to establish a balanced,...
What Learning to Read and Spell Looks Like for Kids with Dyslexia
I talk to SO many parents who are concerned, confused, worried, and overwhelmed about the lack of progress their kids with dyslexia are having learning to read and spell. I totally get it! Although all of my kids are reading now, there were many years where I...
Heavy Work Activities That Improve Learning
Years ago my son’s occupational therapist recommended he do some heavy work activities every day to calm his mind and body and to help improve his focus and learning. I had never heard of this before but because of the impact these simple actions have had on his...
Building Confidence in Kids With Dyslexia
There is no one simple way to build confidence in kids with learning differences like dyslexia. This post will share how our family of seven kids with dyslexia (as well as some ADHD, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia) helped our kids to become more confident despite their...
How to Explain Dyslexia to Family
Do you feel your kids with dyslexia are misunderstood by friends and family? Here’s how to explain dyslexia to friends and family so they can offer the support and compassion you need.