Understanding Dyslexia

Learning Disability or Learning Difference?

Learning Disability or Learning Difference?

Kids with learning difficulties are often labeled as having a learning disability. What if we looked at them instead as having a learning difference? Early on in our days of homeschooling, my creative, entrepreneurial, and dyslexic husband bought a boat, we moved on...

Dyslexia Success Starts With This One Thing

Dyslexia Success Starts With This One Thing

When I first started homeschooling 25 years ago I didn't even know that there were smart people who struggled to learn. School was always easy for me and I was one of the 'good students'. I found it easy to sit still, pay attention, follow directions, and learn in a...

Late Bloomer or Struggling Learner?

Late Bloomer or Struggling Learner?

Have you ever been told that your struggling learner may just be a late bloomer? While that is a comforting thought and takes some pressure off of us, it is a common misconception with serious consequences. My boys started annual testing with their educational...

How and When to Hire a Dyslexia Tutor

How and When to Hire a Dyslexia Tutor

Teaching reading to a dyslexic learner takes time, dedication and hard work.  There is no quick fix and if anyone tells you that there is, they are probably trying to sell you something that you don’t need.    It was once believed that a child may outgrow his or her...

The People Smarts: People & Self Intelligences

The People Smarts: People & Self Intelligences

Welcome to the 5th and final post in the Understanding Multiple Intelligences 5-day series! Read the whole series from the beginning here. In the first post of the series, we talked about what the theory of Multiple Intelligencesis and how it can transform the way you...

The School Smarts: Word & Logic Intelligences

The School Smarts: Word & Logic Intelligences

Welcome to the 2nd post in the Understanding Multiple Intelligences 5-day series! Read the whole series from the beginning here. In my first post, we talked about what the theory of Multiple Intelligences is and how it can transform the way you and your kids look at...