Dyslexia Training Courses

Dyslexia Education Classes

Your dyslexic children need you to be their advocate whether they are in a public school,  private school or homeschooled.  Our homeschool experience was vastly improved by the simple (yet time-consuming) task of getting educated about what dyslexia really is and how these bright and creative children learn best.

These Dyslexia Education Classes were created to help you quickly and easily get educated about what dyslexia is and how you can most effectively help your dyslexic children really learn.

All classes will provide reliable, research-based information, personal experience, practical applications and invaluable lists of resources to help you on your journey.

How The Parent Dyslexia Classes Work

All classes are approximately 1 hour long and come to you in both video and audio formats that are simple and downloadable. The course includes a printable outline for note taking and a downloadable audio recording of the class. You can listen any time, anywhere (and your spouse can listen too.)

We are also offering support in a private Facebook group for class attendees only.

I know what it is like to be overwhelmed with the task of raising and educating dyslexic kids, so I want to make this simple. My goal is to make your learning as easy and efficient as possible.

That is why each course is delivered in a multimedia format. Watch and learn from your computer, or download the audio version to your iPad or iPhone.

All Parent Dyslexia Class students receive:

  • access to the online video content
  • downloadable MP3 audio versions of the class
  • PDF outline for easy note taking
  • links to resources
  • access to small group encouragement via our private Facebook page

All classes are based on research-based methods of teaching dyslexics and a plethora of my own unique, personal experience. This is a unique opportunity for you to learn what has taken me many years to learn – how to teach dyslexic kids so that they can learn and thrive with tips and strategies along the way.

The following courses are now available.  All courses were written and produced by a certified Orton-Gillingham tutor who has homeschooled her own dyslexic children for the past 20 years.  Browse through our course offerings and feel free to Contact Us with any questions.


 Course One:

Understanding Dyslexia

In Course One of the Parent Dyslexia Training Courses you will learn:

  • To more fully understand the many facets of the dyslexic mind
  • To understand how dyslexics learn and methods you can implement today to dramatically improve learning
  • To be aware of the other areas affected by dyslexia
  • To better understand and nurture the seldom mentioned, inherent strengths of the dyslexic mind

You will leave this course feeling educated and empowered to help the dyslexic people in your life.  You will be able to reject the myths and embrace the strengths associated with dyslexia so your kids can live and learn freely.

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Course Two:

Teaching Them So They Learn

Course Topics:

  • Making the decision to homeschool, including how to answer any critics that insist that the schools are the educational experts.
  • The truth about the state of special education in our public schools.
  • Common emotional issues for parents and kids and how to overcome them.
  • How to get started homeschooling; including legalities and finding local support.
  • Tips on finding and modifying homeschool curriculum for the dyslexic student.
  • Teaching methods, including how to balance accommodations and remediations.
  • When to get help in the form of diagnostic testing and educational therapy.
  • Strategies for getting it all done.

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Course Three:

Reading Instruction That Works

When we first learned that our oldest son had dyslexia over 15 years ago, I didn’t know the first thing about dyslexia let alone how to teach them to read.  Now, 7 dyslexic kids later, I’ve learned a thing or two.

In this course, Reading Instruction That Works, you will learn to:

  • Understand the research about dyslexia so you can evaluate the myriads of programs, supplements and services that are offered to parents of dyslexics.
  • Understand the research-based methods of reading instruction that really work with the dyslexic learner.
  • Find a program, curriculum or other service to fit your family’s needs.
  • How much does dyslexia remediation cost?
  • How long does it take?
  • What about those ‘alternative’ treatments and therapies?  Do they work?  How can we know?

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Course Four:

Building Fluency and Comprehension

Research is clear that when students with dyslexia receive explicit instruction with methods that work, they can learn to read and write and spell.

However, for some dyslexics, fluency is never reached, a fate that negatively affects them in many ways.

In this class you will learn:

  • what reading fluency is and how it develops
  • how fluency affects comprehension
  • nine of the most effective, research-based methods for increasing reading fluency
  • easy-to-implement methods to enhance your child’s reading comprehension at home

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Course Five:

Teaching Spelling From Remediation to Accommodation

Accommodation is finding ways to accommodate a particular weakness so that a student can perform at their intellectual ability. Examples of accommodations for spelling are allowing the use of phonetic spell checkers or speech to text technology that takes speech and converts it into text.

Finding a good balance between remediation and accommodation is never more important than with the issue of spelling.

What you will learn in this class:

  • why people with dyslexia struggle with spelling
  • the best methods for teaching spelling
  • the power of studying morphology and etymology with your dyslexic students
  • 3 simple ways to teach morphology to your students
  • the best accommodations for students with dyslexia
  • how to balance accommodations with remediation

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Course 6

Executive Function:  Teach Your Child to Organize
Their Thoughts, Personal Space and Time

Do you have a child who is hopelessly unorganized? Can never find their pack packs, folders or soccer cleats? Oftentimes these kids are not just disorganized with their belongings but also with their thoughts. There is a name for this type of disorganization – executive function – or in this case a lack of executive function skills.

In this class, you will learn:

  • what executive function is
  • how it executive function weaknesses can affect organizational skills
  • how you can teach your unorganized child to grow in this area.

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The Foundations Bundle – Best Deal!

These first five courses contain the information you need to start making a measurable difference in your homeschool. Dyslexia is surrounded by myths and misinformation and getting educated is the first step on the path of educating your kids in a way that is both enjoyable and effective. Put these proven methods into practice and watch the difference!

The 5-Course Foundation Bundle includes:

Course 1: Understanding Dyslexia
Course 2: Teaching Them So They Learn
Course 3: Reading Instruction That Works
Course 4: Building Fluency & Comprehension
Course 5: Teaching Spelling

BONUS: I am also including a free download of my book, Dyslexia 101: Truths, Myths, and What Really Works, as a part of the bundle.

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