Taking time each quarter to plan for and organize your homeschool will help you have the most successful homeschool possible. After more than 20 years of teaching my kids at home, I've finally got to a place where I can set goals, make priorities, and avoid many of...
Homeschool Reading Prep: How to Plan for a Great Year of Reading
You've done the research. You've chosen your homeschool reading curriculum. How can you best prepare to use the information and tools you've acquired to have a great year of reading? Teaching reading to kids with dyslexia isn't exactly easy, but spending an hour now...
Finding Time for What’s Important in Your Homeschool
We're talking about planning for the new homeschool year this week. So far we've talked about: Setting goals for your dyslexic homeschooler - you can't make a plan if you don't know where you're going. Creating a schedule that really works - making time for...
Creating a Homeschool Schedule That Really Works
We've been talking about homeschool planning this week. Â Yesterday we talked about setting goals for your child. First, a few important points the we covered in the past few days: Subjects like reading and writing and math are all done at your child's current...
Setting Homeschool Goals for Kids With Dyslexia
Setting homeschool goals for kids with dyslexia is different than setting goals for traditional learners. Let's take a new look at setting homeschool goals for students with dyslexia. The first step in planning your homeschool year is usually to set some goals....
Planning For Your Homeschool
I love the planning phases of the homeschool year but, after 20 years of teaching my kids at home, I know how often my plans have been completely overrun by real life! In this post, I'll share with you some of my best tips on goal-setting, prioritizing and...