Teaching Tips
Pulling Kids With an IEP From Public School to Homeschool
I get a lot of emails asking about making the decision to homeschool with dyslexia. Pulling kids with an IEP from public school to homeschool can be a little confusing. Here's what you need to know. There was a community meeting this week in my town to answer...
My 4 Top Priorities as I Teach My Kids With Dyslexia
As parents (or teachers) of kids who are bright but struggle we are always on the lookout for the best methods for teaching our kids with dyslexia. Here are the 4 top priorities for me as I homeschool my kids with dyslexia every day. I get emails every week asking me...
Do Colored Overlays Help With Dyslexia?
Have you wondered if colored lenses or overlays could help your child with dyslexia? The quick answer is no. But keep reading to see if colored overlays might still help your struggling reader. Dyslexia and Vision Problems Research on dyslexia has shown that dyslexia...
8 Things I do Each Day With my Dyslexic Reader
These are the daily habits that help my dyslexic reader to be more successful. I have been homeschooling kids with dyslexia for over 20 years!  Where did the time go? I am mainly focused these days on my 9 and 12-year-old sons. One of these guys is moderately...
A Day in the Life of our Homeschool With Dyslexia
I love seeing how other families homeschool. Day-in-the-life posts are a fun way to peek into someone else's day. Remember, there is no one way to homeschool successfully. You may think our routine is wonderful or horrible. Hopefully, you will be encouraged that...
How to Find Your Unique Homeschool Rhythm
Finding a simple, daily homeschool rhythm makes school days go smoothly. I stepped out of my bedroom on Monday morning with what seemed like a thousand things on my mind. Oh yeah, and don't forget to homeschool the kids! And then we got started with our routine and...
7 Mindsets for New Homeschool Families
If you're one of the thousands of new homeschool families, here are 7 powerful mindset shifts that will help your new life of teaching at home more peaceful and productive. There is a steep learning curve to go from the formality of doing school at home to a...
Using Games to Improve Memory and Learning
Kids who are smart but struggle to learn often have underlying weaknesses in their working memory. Here are some simple games that can be played at home to improve memory. Working memory is the ability to hold pieces of information in your mind (remembering) while...
How to Modify Homeschool Curriculum for the Students With Dyslexia
There are great homeschool curricula available for kids with dyslexia. But what if buying a new curriculum is not an option? Let's take a look at some ways you can modify homeschool curriculum for the student with dyslexia. I recently corresponded with a wonderful mom...
How to Learn From a Textbook: The SQ3R Method
The SQ3R Method is an excellent way to help kids learn from a textbook. This post will show you what the SQ3R Method is and how to teach it to your kids. As a long-time, homeschooling parent of 7 kids with dyslexia, I don't usually recommend a traditional textbook...
When Life Gives You a Pandemic, Learn!
There's nothing like a pandemic to teach you what's really important in life. We're wrapping up our second week of quarantine. I was thinking today about the many challenges our family has homeschooled through over the past 20+ years. I've homeschooled through...
How to Teach Reading at Home
You don't need to be a trained dyslexia tutor to teach reading at home. Do you remember learning to read? I don't. I don't remember learning phonics, I don't remember learning spelling rules, and I never even knew that there were intelligent people who struggled with...