Homeschool Spelling Curriculum for Students With Dyslexia

by | Jul 24, 2014 | By The Subject | 9 comments

It often seems that no matter what we do, no matter how well they read and no matter what curriculum or method we use, spelling is an issue. Here is some great homeschool spelling curriculum for students with dyslexia.

White Latin Letters on a white background. Selective focus. High key

Welcome back to this 5-day series on Finding Homeschool Curriculum for the Student With Dyslexia.

To read this series from the beginning, click here.  So far we have talked about the general way that dyslexics learn, what to look for in a reading curriculum, and how to teach writing or composition.

Spelling With Dyslexia

If you have been parenting or teaching kids with dyslexia (or been married to a dyslexic) for any amount of time, you are part of an elite group that grapples with this most perplexing phenomenon.

Teaching spelling to someone with dyslexia.

It often seems that no matter what we do, no matter how well they read and no matter what curriculum or method we use, spelling is an issue.

Elements of an Effective Spelling Curriculum for Dyslexia

Just like with reading, any effective spelling curriculum will be based on the Orton-Gillingham principles that I wrote about in my post on finding a homeschool reading curriculum for students with dyslexia.

Spelling instruction should:

  • be directly and explicitly taught.  Leave nothing to guesswork – all concepts should be clearly taught.
  • be incremental and sequential starting with the most basic spelling skills and building on that in a logical order.
  • be multi-sensory.  Short term memory weaknesses in the dyslexic mind make remembering spelling rules difficult.  By accessing information via multiple senses (multi-sensory) we are using more areas of the brain and have a greater likelihood of remembering what was taught.
  • provide continual review.  Remember, dyslexic students need to overlearn reading and spelling rules.  This is accomplished through lots and lots of practice.

Teaching Tips

  • Be consistent – daily review is important for making the rules stick.
  • Be flexible – if the lesson in your spelling curriculum takes too long or covers more than your child can handle in one lesson, break it up into several days.
  • Practice, practice, practice – build words with letter tiles, write them in notebooks, write them from dictation.  Review is necessary for the rules to stick.

Spelling Curriculum for Kids With Dyslexia

All About Spelling

Written by the same people who created the Orton-Gillingham based reading curriculum, All About Reading, this program contains all of the elements of an effective spelling curriculum.  An ‘open and go’ program that makes teaching easy with little teacher pre required.

Sequential Spelling

Some families benefit from the simple, example-based methods of Sequential Spelling.  It works along the lines of practice, practice, practice.  If you are teaching spelling to multiple ages or if your child is resistant to All About Spelling, this program is worth a try.

Best Apps for Spelling

Advances in technology are a huge help to our kids (and adults) with dyslexia.  Check out our list of some of the best apps for spelling that are particularly good with people with dyslexia.

The Best Spelling Apps for Dyslexia

Our Parent Dyslexia Class – Teaching Spelling

If you are looking to get educated about dyslexia and how to educate, encourage and empower your kids with dyslexia, you have come to the right place.

For more information on getting started homeschooling your child with dyslexia, download my free ebook, Homeschooling With Dyslexia 101,  that covers things like understanding learning styles and teaching methods, how to create a positive learning environment and schedule, or how to set goals and get it all done.

For more information on specific strategies to teach spelling to your dyslexic child the way he or she learns, consider taking our ‘Teaching Spelling’ Class.


What you will learn in this class:

  • why people with dyslexia struggle with spelling
  • the best methods for teaching spelling
  • the power of studying morphology and etymology with your dyslexic students
  • 3 simple ways to teach morphology to your students
  • the best accommodations for students with dyslexia
  • how to balance accommodations with remediation

Connect With Us!

This site was created to be a place for families who chose to homeschool their dyslexic kids to share there successes and failures and to offer encouragement to one another. Please consider dropping by the Homeschooling With Dyslexia Facebook Page and being a part of our community!

How about you?  Do you have a favorite spelling program in your homeschool?  Please share in the comments below!

It often seems that no matter what we do, no matter how well they read and no matter what curriculum or method we use, spelling is an issue. Here is some great homeschool spelling curriculum for students with dyslexia.


  1. Jody

    We use Susan Barton’s program and have had tremendous success. It is based on Orton-Gillingham as well.

  2. Christy

    Help!!!! I am going to be homeschooling my 2 children next school year (4 th and 2nd grade), I’m not sure if either of them are dyslexic both struggle with reading( skipping over words, leaving the ending off of words and adding endings to words that are not there, “b and d” also give them trouble in writing. One has been diagnosed with adhd and the other is being tested. The youngest has speech issues and seen a speech therapist at public school but was determined to not need therapy because she will correct herself when she is given the correct sound of words. I have no idea what cirriculum to get, any suggestions? Thanks!

    • Marianne

      Hi Christy,
      Here is a link to a post I wrote recently on curriculum choices for 1-3rd grades.
      Many of these curricula will work well for a fourth grader as well.
      They definitely exhibit some signs of dyslexia, however, these curricula will work with a child without dyslexia as well. They are more hands-on and multisensory than most other curricula which is why they were chosen. Hope this helps!

  3. Trudy Mason

    I hope you can help…. my son is 37 years old… divorce , and unemployed because of Dyslexia. He cannot find a job because of this problem. Please .. I Pray that you can change his Life and give him a chance in Life . Because of this problem he is depressed and has a very low self-esteem. Please Help him. Thank you so much …mom Trudy

  4. Nancy

    I love All About Spelling!!! So consistent.

  5. Jamie

    Can All About Spelling be used in the classroom? My son’s teacher is open to using a spelling program that works for a dyslexic student. Is it a workbook? He will be receiving tutoring for reading (I’m sure it will include spelling) but she’s willing to implement a spelling program at school.
    Thank you!!

    • Marianne

      I’m sure it could be adapted for in class. She may need to make alphabet cards for each child to spell the words with.

  6. KIm

    I am finding a measure of success with the spelling program from AVKO. (Sequential Spelling). I also give my dyslexic son his alphabet written out in block letters (by me) to look at to find the sound he’s trying to write. This alone has given him access to way more letters/sounds. It’s pretty great to see him doing so much better. My non-dyslexic son is flying through this curriculum as well! Verdict: dyslexic or non-dyslexic, we like this program.


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