Life Skills

Motivating Struggling Learners

Motivating Struggling Learners

I hear from parents every week whose are having trouble motivating their struggling learners. While they’re not outright refusing to learn, they’re bored, uninterested, and often procrastinate getting started and finishing assignments. If you prefer to listen to this...

How to Unschool With Sue Patterson

How to Unschool With Sue Patterson

If you have ever been interested in how to unschool full-time or even temporarily (sometimes referred to as deschooling) you will want to listen to this interview with the amazing Sue Patterson from Unschooling Mom 2 Mom. Watch the video below or listen to the audio...

Unschooling the Struggling Learner

Unschooling the Struggling Learner

Kids struggle with learning for all sorts of reasons. Their struggles can stem from poor (even traumatic) school experiences, illnesses of various types, or learning differences like dyslexia and ADHD. Whatever your story is, unschooling is a great option for all...

A Surprising Benefit of Homeschooling

As more and more of my kids graduate from homeschooling, I have observed a surprising benefit. I was talking with my adult daughter this morning. She was lamenting the oddly annoying behaviors of some of the younger employees where she works. It was as if they had no...

Get Help Teaching Life Skills to Kids

Get Help Teaching Life Skills to Kids

Parents often lack direction when it comes to teaching life skills to their kids. We talk a lot about curriculum over on the Homeschooling With Dyslexia web site and blog. Choosing just the right curriculum that works best with our kids’ unique learning ability is one...

Simple Strategies to Teach Kids Time Management

Simple Strategies to Teach Kids Time Management

I didn't know whether I should be relieved or disappointed when I learned that 40-60% of people with dyslexia also had some form of attention issue.  What I do know now is that some of my kids aren't naturally organized (ahem) and that they need to be explicitly...

Help for Your Hopelessly Unorganized Child

Help for Your Hopelessly Unorganized Child

Do you have a child who is hopelessly unorganized? This is the child who can never find their pack pack, school books or soccer cleats? Oftentimes these kids are not just disorganized with their belongings but also with their thoughts. They have difficulty starting...

Teaching the Distracted Child

Teaching the Distracted Child

As if homeschooling isn't enough of a challenge, teaching a distracted child who has trouble focusing is even harder. Not all kids with ADD or ADHD have dyslexia but it is believed that about 40% of dyslexic kids have some sort of problem focusing.  I have shared in...