by Marianne | Dyslexia Information
One way to encourage your kids with dyslexia is to learn more about people with dyslexia who found success as adults. Most of the following dyslexic adults had to overcome significant obstacles to get to where they are now. Knowing this can help our kids face their...
by Marianne | Dyslexia Information
When I first started homeschooling 25 years ago I didn’t even know that there were smart people who struggled to learn. School was always easy for me and I was one of the ‘good students’. I found it easy to sit still, pay attention, follow...
by Marianne | Dyslexia Information, Life Skills
In a 20-year longitudinal study of struggling learners, researchers uncovered six success attributes associated with dyslexia success. The good news is these are all things that you as a parent or teacher can foster in your kids in the day to day. I vividly remember...
by Marianne | Encouragement
I realize that this may be a sensitive subject for some of you reading this today. Some of you are new to the world of dyslexia. Maybe you already have a dyslexia diagnosis or maybe your child is struggling and you suspect dyslexia. Maybe you’re considering...
by Marianne | Dyslexia Information, Encouragement
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. As a long time homeschooler with 20+ years of experience teaching kids with dyslexia, here are 10 truths I want you to be aware of: 1. Your kids will learn to read. Eventually. All kids learn to read in their own time. Our oldest...