
7 Mindsets for New Homeschool Families

7 Mindsets for New Homeschool Families

If you're one of the thousands of new homeschool families, here are 7 powerful mindset shifts that will help your new life of teaching at home more peaceful and productive. There is a steep learning curve to go from the formality of doing school at home to a...

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can parents teach their kids with dyslexia? Teaching a child with dyslexia to read, write, and spell is a challenge, yes, but with the individualized attention that is inherent in the homeschool environment, not only is it possible, it can actually be the best path...

Help for the Shut Down Learner

Help for the Shut Down Learner

Do you have a child who shuts down when it comes to learning? This week's Mailbox Monday speaks to this situation. "My son IMMEDIATELY says “I don’t know” to ANY educational question. No thought or attempt to try.  Any suggestions for that?  Have any of your...

Homeschool Mom Self-Care

Homeschool Mom Self-Care

This type of post - Homeschool Mom Self-Care - is a little out of the norm for me as I spend a lot of time here educating parents about learning differences. The reality is though that teaching kids who learn differently, even from one day to the next, can be...

Late Bloomer or Struggling Learner?

Late Bloomer or Struggling Learner?

Have you ever been told that your struggling learner may just be a late bloomer? While that is a comforting thought and takes some pressure off of us, it is a common misconception with serious consequences. My boys started annual testing with their educational...

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

We all experience homeschool burnout from time to time. I'm not saying that to discourage you. I'm saying that to help you have the right expectations. We all get burned out from time to time. Expect it. What is Homeschool Burnout? Homeschool burnout (or any kind of...

Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia

Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia

This article will discuss the pros and cons of joining a homeschool charter school for children with dyslexia. Despite a growing awareness of dyslexia, the traditional school setting continues to fail to offer students with dyslexia the kind of individualized...

My Homeschool Success Formula

My Homeschool Success Formula

Are you looking for a formula for success as you homeschool your struggling learners? This is the closest thing you will find to a formula for a more peaceful, purposeful homeschool. To listen to this post, click on the player below. When our family first started...

Homeschooling When You Want to Quit

Homeschooling When You Want to Quit

It's early September and I've already seriously considered putting one of my kids in school. It probably has a lot to do with the age of said child - 15 going on 25 - but 3 weeks into the school year does seem rather soon to consider quitting homeschooling. I actually...

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

Are you surviving rather than thriving in your homeschool? I get emails all the time from homeschool parents with stories like this: "I feel like I know what needs to get done, but because of my kids' dyslexia, I can't quite do it. Everything takes too much of me. ...

Homeschooling the Less-Academic Child

Homeschooling the Less-Academic Child

I read a beautiful blog post last week from Sara at Classically Homeschooling that really got me thinking. Sara is a classical educator (as is my family) and was writing about homeschooling 'non academic' kids with the classical method. The classical model is known...

What to do When Reading Lessons Take ALL Day!

What to do When Reading Lessons Take ALL Day!

Teaching reading to kids with dyslexia, especially a houseful of kids with dyslexia, can seem to take all day. Here are my top tips for getting more done and making time for some extras. We've all been there. We've done the research, purchased the curriculum, and...

I’d Love to Meet You

I’d Love to Meet You

One of the highlights of my year is when I travel around the country each Spring and Summer and speak about my experiences homeschooling my eclectic brood of outside the box learners! This year I'll be in Nashville, Tenessee, Atlanta, Georgia, and Pasadena,...

5 Things Every Homeschool Mom Needs

5 Things Every Homeschool Mom Needs

What does a homeschool mom need? Here are five things that may surprise you and one easy way to get them! 20 years! That is a long time.  It is also a really long time to have been homeschooling! I've been through all of the stages: the ignorant, inflated confidence...