
Gift Ideas for Kids With Dyslexia

Gift Ideas for Kids With Dyslexia

A list of gift ideas that kids with dyslexia will love and learn with! This post contains affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission on the things you purchase through my links. It does not change the price you pay. Please know that I don't recommend...

Gifts for Homeschool Moms

Gifts for Homeschool Moms

If you're wondering what gifts to give the homeschool moms in your life, you're in the right place! Gifts for Homeschool Moms and Dads This site exists to educate and support homeschooling families who have kids with ADHD, dyslexia, and other language-based learning...

Building Confidence in Kids With Dyslexia

Building Confidence in Kids With Dyslexia

There is no one simple way to build confidence in kids with learning differences like dyslexia. This post will share how our family of seven kids with dyslexia (as well as some ADHD, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia) helped our kids to become more confident despite their...

How to Choose the Best Dyslexia Options

How to Choose the Best Dyslexia Options

There are so many good resources for teaching kids with dyslexia it can be hard to know what the best dyslexia options are. We're well into the school year now. The honeymoon period with its excitement over new curricula, courses, and co-ops has ended and we are faced...

The Elementary Years With Dyslexia

The Elementary Years With Dyslexia

After 30 years of parenting and homeschooling my seven kids with dyslexia, here is what you need to know about the elementary years with dyslexia. If you would prefer to listen to this episode, click play below: I met with some of my online mentoring group parents...

When to Take a Break From Reading Instruction

When to Take a Break From Reading Instruction

Does your child shut down when it comes to reading? Do they cry or berate themselves or refuse to do their reading lessons? It may be time to take a break from reading instruction. The scenario is not uncommon. For a variety of reasons, children can come to resist...

Four Ways to Troubleshoot Learning Struggles

Four Ways to Troubleshoot Learning Struggles

Using weekly review planning sheets helps me to troubleshoot my kids' learning struggles with confidence. Many of us have spent a lot of time over the summer planning and preparing for the current school year. Maybe you joined one of my coaching groups or you went to...

Adaptive Typing With Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

Adaptive Typing With Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

One of the most common accommodations offered to students with dyslexia and dysgraphia is learning to type. Adaptive typing is a specific method of typing that works well. Because people with language-based learning difficulties have a hard time with the written word,...

A Day in the Life: Homeschooling With Dyslexia

A Day in the Life: Homeschooling With Dyslexia

It has been a while since I shared what a day in the life of our homeschool with dyslexia looks like. For years I have shared these kinds of posts to show how we juggled the needs of a houseful of dyslexic kids. Today, our dynamic looks a lot different. Who We're...

How to Teach Spelling to Kids with Dyslexia

Teaching spelling to kids with dyslexia is similar to teaching reading with a few important differences. I have written a lot about teaching reading to kids with dyslexia but not as much about spelling. I also get a lot of emails from parents concerned about their...

Dyslexia: A Complex Diagnosis

Dyslexia: A Complex Diagnosis

I talk to a lot of parents who are confused by their kids' learning struggles. It is vital to understand that dyslexia is a complex diagnosis that affects more than reading, writing, and spelling. If you're new to the world of kids who struggle to learn - WELCOME!...

Kids Homeschool Assessment

Kids Homeschool Assessment

You know the old saying "Ain't Mom happy, ain't no one happy"? In my 30 years of parenting, I have come to understand that "Ain't the kids happy, ain't no one happy" is also true. Do this quick Kids Homeschool Assessment to find out how your kids really feel about...

A Surprising Benefit of Homeschooling

As more and more of my kids graduate from homeschooling, I have observed a surprising benefit. I was talking with my adult daughter this morning. She was lamenting the oddly annoying behaviors of some of the younger employees where she works. It was as if they had no...

5 Powerful Habits to Improve Learning

5 Powerful Habits to Improve Learning

Cultivating these 5 powerful habits will improve learning for your kids with dyslexia. I’m writing this post during that nebulous time between Christmas and New Years when you’re not sure what day it is or what you’re supposed to be doing. If you’re in this season and...