Homeschool Priorities for Kids With Dyslexia

Homeschool Priorities for Kids With Dyslexia

After homeschooling kids with dyslexia for nearly 30 years and now having graduated 5 of them from high school, here are a few things I’ve learned are priorities for homeschooling kids with dyslexia. Teach them at their level. You are not behind! One of the...
Self-Directed Learning with Blake Boles

Self-Directed Learning with Blake Boles

Self-directed learning is an approach to education that allows students to choose what and how they learn. Similar to unschooling or interest-led learning, it is a powerful method for real learning that is especially helpful for kids who are non-traditional learners...
Fostering Internal Motivation to Learn

Fostering Internal Motivation to Learn

Over my nearly three decades of parenting and educating kids with dyslexia and ADHD I have learned that if we can foster a child’s sense of internal motivation, home education is way easier and more enjoyable for everyone. But how do we foster internal...