Teaching Tips

Working Memory and Learning Struggles

Working Memory and Learning Struggles

Do you have a child who fails to follow directions despite repeated instruction, has difficulty staying on task, has a poor attention to detail, or often looses track of their belongings? Weak working memory may be at the root of their struggles. What is Working...

What to do When Reading Lessons Take ALL Day!

What to do When Reading Lessons Take ALL Day!

Teaching reading to kids with dyslexia, especially a houseful of kids with dyslexia, can seem to take all day. Here are my top tips for getting more done and making time for some extras. We've all been there. We've done the research, purchased the curriculum, and...

How to Avoid the Summer Slide in Reading

How to Avoid the Summer Slide in Reading

As a homeschool mom, I'm pretty sure I look forward to summer break as much as my kids. The problem with this is that I know from experience that if I stop teaching my kids with dyslexia for too long, they're going to forget as much as 30% of what they've learned this...