Dyslexia Information

Are There Different Kinds of Dyslexia?

Are There Different Kinds of Dyslexia?

Have ever seen an article or heard someone say that they or their child has a particular type of dyslexia? Some names I've heard are: dysphonetic dyslexia auditory dyslexia dyseidetic dyslexia visual dyslexia double deficit dyslexia attentional dyslexia Being on the...

The Strengths of Dyslexia

The Strengths of Dyslexia

One of the most important things is to remember as the parent or teacher of kids with dyslexia is to focus on identifying and building strengths.  That is why we are sharing some of the little-known strengths of dyslexia. What is Dyslexia? In case you're new around...

What Every Child With Dyslexia Needs

What Every Child With Dyslexia Needs

We all only have so much time, right? Here's what you need to focus on with your kids with dyslexia. There is a LOT of information here on the Homeschooling With Dyslexia site.  I am thrilled, after so many years of searching, to be able to create this resource of...

The Strengths of Dyslexia

The Strengths of Dyslexia

Standing before a room of conference attendees, I read the LONG list of the common signs of dyslexia - over 50 areas where people with dyslexia struggle.  These unexpected deficits are commonly referred to as the signs of dyslexia. However, as more and more...

Anxiety and Dyslexia

Anxiety and Dyslexia

Stress is a normal part of life for all people.  However, people with dyslexia can experience high levels of stress and anxiety in ways you may not realize. Here are some tips for understanding and helping kids with dyslexia and anxiety. If you prefer to listen to...

Early Intervention for Kids With Dyslexia

Early Intervention for Kids With Dyslexia

When we first began our dyslexia journey, we were told that our 7 1/2 year old son was just a late bloomer.  We adopted a wait and see approach to his reading delays.  It is now known that early intervention for kids with dyslexia is vital. That boy did learn to read...

Could it be Dyslexia?  Signs of Dyslexia

Could it be Dyslexia? Signs of Dyslexia

If you know little about dyslexia, you may be wondering, how to know if someone is dyslexic or not. There are quite a few signs of dyslexia that are easy to observe. This is the first post in a 5-day series on Teaching Kids With Dyslexia to Read.  Read the entire...

Why Labeling Kids With Dyslexia is Good

Why Labeling Kids With Dyslexia is Good

Whether or not to 'label' a child diagnosed with dyslexia is a common concern among parents. As the parent of 7 kids with dyslexia and a passionate dyslexia advocate, I strongly believe that labeling kids with dyslexia is a good thing. Why Saying Dyslexia is SO...

How and When to Get Tested for Dyslexia

How and When to Get Tested for Dyslexia

  Do you suspect your child has dyslexia? Deciding to have your child tested for dyslexia is a big decision. We are going to take a look at how to test for dyslexia and when to make that decision. If you prefer to listen to this post, click on the player below:...