Teaching Tips

How Important is Academic Success?

How Important is Academic Success?

How important is academic success to overall success? The answer may surprise you! We're continuing our 5-days to a more confident homeschool series. Read the entire series starting here. I'm going to start this post with a story - my story actually. It's important...

Help! My Homeschooler is ‘Behind’

Help! My Homeschooler is ‘Behind’

One sure way to lose confidence in your homeschool is to worry that your homeschooled child is behind grade level. Welcome back to the 5-Days to a More Confident Homeschool Series!  This week we're looking at the things that trip us up and knock our confidence as...

Helping the Discouraged Learner

Helping the Discouraged Learner

How our kids react to learning plays a huge part in how effective our teaching is. When our kids are discouraged learners, our teaching is ineffective and this is one of the biggest reasons we lack confidence as we homeschool our kids with dyslexia. Yesterday we...

5 Days to a More Confident Homeschool

5 Days to a More Confident Homeschool

Would you like to have a more confident homeschool? When we first started homeschooling 20+ years ago, I had big plans. Yup, my kids were going to be the super kids whose knowledge and educational excellence would set me apart from others. Education had been very...

How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexia

How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexia

  Hello and welcome back to day 4 of our 5-day series on How to Teach Kids With Dyslexia to Read.  Click here to read the series from the beginning. Today we're looking at an extremely effective way to teach sight words to kids with dyslexia.   What Are...

When Orton-Gillingham Isn’t Enough

When Orton-Gillingham Isn’t Enough

Several years ago, one of our kids was majorly struggling with learning to read, despite 3 years of intense professional Orton-Gillingham (OG) reading instruction. In fact, at 11-years-old, he was still struggling to do much more than sound out three letter words! It...

Visual Processing and How it Affects Learning

Visual Processing and How it Affects Learning

Does your child think that a square and a circle look the same? Does he bump into things, spill things, or seem unaware of where objects are in relation to his body?  Does he skip words or entire lines when reading, or read the same sentence over?  All...

Auditory Processing and Learning Struggles

Auditory Processing and Learning Struggles

Do you have a child that has trouble following directions, keeping up with conversations or understanding jokes, or has trouble with reading, spelling, speaking, or rhyming? These could be a sign of auditory processing weakness or auditory processing disorder which...

Working Memory and Learning Struggles

Working Memory and Learning Struggles

Do you have a child who fails to follow directions despite repeated instruction, has difficulty staying on task, has a poor attention to detail, or often looses track of their belongings? Weak working memory may be at the root of their struggles. What is Working...

What to do When Reading Lessons Take ALL Day!

What to do When Reading Lessons Take ALL Day!

Teaching reading to kids with dyslexia, especially a houseful of kids with dyslexia, can seem to take all day. Here are my top tips for getting more done and making time for some extras. We've all been there. We've done the research, purchased the curriculum, and...

How to Avoid the Summer Slide in Reading

How to Avoid the Summer Slide in Reading

As a homeschool mom, I'm pretty sure I look forward to summer break as much as my kids. The problem with this is that I know from experience that if I stop teaching my kids with dyslexia for too long, they're going to forget as much as 30% of what they've learned this...