
Do Specialized Dyslexia Fonts Really Work?

Do Specialized Dyslexia Fonts Really Work?

As awareness of dyslexia has grown, so too has the development of tools to support those with dyslexia, one of which is specialized dyslexia fonts. These fonts are designed to make reading easier for individuals with dyslexia, but how effective are they? In this post,...

Best Apps for Students With Dyslexia

Best Apps for Students With Dyslexia

Students with dyslexia majorly benefit from the use of assistive technology to help with reading, writing, spelling, math, and organization. The best assistive technology apps for students with dyslexia are listed here. Students with dyslexia, even if they are reading...

Four Ways to Troubleshoot Learning Struggles

Four Ways to Troubleshoot Learning Struggles

Using weekly review planning sheets helps me to troubleshoot my kids' learning struggles with confidence. Many of us have spent a lot of time over the summer planning and preparing for the current school year. Maybe you joined one of my coaching groups or you went to...

Adaptive Typing With Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

Adaptive Typing With Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

One of the most common accommodations offered to students with dyslexia and dysgraphia is learning to type. Adaptive typing is a specific method of typing that works well. Because people with language-based learning difficulties have a hard time with the written word,...

How to Teach Spelling to Kids with Dyslexia

Teaching spelling to kids with dyslexia is similar to teaching reading with a few important differences. I have written a lot about teaching reading to kids with dyslexia but not as much about spelling. I also get a lot of emails from parents concerned about their...

The Best Spelling Apps for Dyslexia

The Best Spelling Apps for Dyslexia

  Spelling is often a lifelong struggle for people with dyslexia. These spelling apps are great choices for those struggling. While people with dyslexia will all have different strengths and weaknesses, spelling is pretty much always an area in which dyslexics...

How the Amazon Kindle Can Help the Dyslexic Reader

How the Amazon Kindle Can Help the Dyslexic Reader

As parents and teachers of dyslexic students, we are always trying to find ways to help these struggling readers learn to enjoy reading and learning. One way you can do this is by using an Amazon Kindle for your dyslexic reader.   As parents and teachers of...

Is My Dyslexic Child Stubborn or Struggling?

Is My Dyslexic Child Stubborn or Struggling?

Sometimes a student with dyslexia will appear stubborn. Being dyslexic is hard. So how do we know when they are struggling or being stubborn? I received this great question from a reader last week about homeschooling her dyslexic son: Its so hard to know when to push...

Motivating the Dyslexic Student

Motivating the Dyslexic Student

Our dyslexic learners can be frustrated in their educational environment. This is why it is so important to work on motivating the dyslexic student. Here are some ways to do that.     Understanding the daily frustrations experienced by the dyslexic learner in...