
How to Find Your Unique Homeschool Rhythm

How to Find Your Unique Homeschool Rhythm

Finding a simple, daily homeschool rhythm makes school days go smoothly. I stepped out of my bedroom on Monday morning with what seemed like a thousand things on my mind. Oh yeah, and don't forget to homeschool the kids! And then we got started with our routine and...

7 Mindsets for New Homeschool Families

7 Mindsets for New Homeschool Families

If you're one of the thousands of new homeschool families, here are 7 powerful mindset shifts that will help your new life of teaching at home more peaceful and productive. There is a steep learning curve to go from the formality of doing school at home to a...

How to Learn From a Textbook: The SQ3R Method

How to Learn From a Textbook: The SQ3R Method

The SQ3R Method is an excellent way to help kids learn from a textbook. This post will show you what the SQ3R Method is and how to teach it to your kids. As a long-time, homeschooling parent of 7 kids with dyslexia, I don't usually recommend a traditional textbook...

When Life Gives You a Pandemic, Learn!

When Life Gives You a Pandemic, Learn!

There's nothing like a pandemic to teach you what's really important in life. We're wrapping up our second week of quarantine. I was thinking today about the many challenges our family has homeschooled through over the past 20+ years. I've homeschooled through...

How to Teach Reading at Home

How to Teach Reading at Home

You don't need to be a trained dyslexia tutor to teach reading at home. Do you remember learning to read? I don't. I don't remember learning phonics, I don't remember learning spelling rules, and I never even knew that there were intelligent people who struggled with...

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can parents teach their kids with dyslexia? Teaching a child with dyslexia to read, write, and spell is a challenge, yes, but with the individualized attention that is inherent in the homeschool environment, not only is it possible, it can actually be the best path...

Informal Reading Assessments

Informal Reading Assessments

Have you ever wondered at what grade level your child is reading? Have you wanted a way to measure your child's reading progress? Informal reading assessments can be a valuable way to see how your child is progressing. Assessments can also show you areas where you...

Help for the Shut Down Learner

Help for the Shut Down Learner

Do you have a child who shuts down when it comes to learning? This week's Mailbox Monday speaks to this situation. "My son IMMEDIATELY says “I don’t know” to ANY educational question. No thought or attempt to try.  Any suggestions for that?  Have any of your...

Overcoming Dysteachia

Overcoming Dysteachia

This post on Overcoming Dysteachia was first published as a series of weekly newsletters. Since it struck a nerve with so many of you, I am republishing it here. Subscribe to the newsletter here: Table of contentsOvercoming Dysteachia Means...

Homeschool Mom Self-Care

Homeschool Mom Self-Care

This type of post - Homeschool Mom Self-Care - is a little out of the norm for me as I spend a lot of time here educating parents about learning differences. The reality is though that teaching kids who learn differently, even from one day to the next, can be...

Choosing a Homeschool History Curriculum

Choosing a Homeschool History Curriculum

There are a ton of options for choosing a homeschool history curriculum for kids with dyslexia. In my previous post, the Grade-by-Grade Homeschool Curriculum Guide  we talked about what areas to focus on grade-by-grade. Homeschool History Curriculum for the...