
Choosing a Homeschool Math Curriculum

Choosing a Homeschool Math Curriculum

If you're planning and purchasing homeschool curriculum for kids with dyslexia, be sure to check out the first post in this series - Choosing Homeschool Curriculum: a Grade-by-Grade Guide. It is full of big-picture ideas about where to focus your priorities during...

Hi-Lo Books for Struggling or Reluctant Readers

Hi-Lo Books for Struggling or Reluctant Readers

Have you ever told your bored (and dyslexic) kids to go read a book? I know I have! The problem with this advice is that for many struggling readers, reading is still too difficult to be enjoyable. Choosing a few Hi-Lo books (high interest/low readability) for your...

Homeschool Kindergarten:  Curriculum and Methods

Homeschool Kindergarten: Curriculum and Methods

When I first started homeschooling I was absurdly anxious about homeschooling Kindergarten.  A lot has changed since then. Nowadays when I have a new Kindergartener to teach, I hardly give it a thought because teaching Kindergarten has become simply a natural...

Late Bloomer or Struggling Learner?

Late Bloomer or Struggling Learner?

Have you ever been told that your struggling learner may just be a late bloomer? While that is a comforting thought and takes some pressure off of us, it is a common misconception with serious consequences. My boys started annual testing with their educational...

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

We all experience homeschool burnout from time to time. I'm not saying that to discourage you. I'm saying that to help you have the right expectations. We all get burned out from time to time. Expect it. What is Homeschool Burnout? Homeschool burnout (or any kind of...

Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia

Homeschool Charter Schools and Dyslexia

This article will discuss the pros and cons of joining a homeschool charter school for children with dyslexia. Despite a growing awareness of dyslexia, the traditional school setting continues to fail to offer students with dyslexia the kind of individualized...

My Homeschool Success Formula

My Homeschool Success Formula

Are you looking for a formula for success as you homeschool your struggling learners? This is the closest thing you will find to a formula for a more peaceful, purposeful homeschool. To listen to this post, click on the player below. When our family first started...

How Important is Academic Success?

How Important is Academic Success?

How important is academic success to overall success? The answer may surprise you! We're continuing our 5-days to a more confident homeschool series. Read the entire series starting here. I'm going to start this post with a story - my story actually. It's important...

Help! My Homeschooler is ‘Behind’

Help! My Homeschooler is ‘Behind’

One sure way to lose confidence in your homeschool is to worry that your homeschooled child is behind grade level. Welcome back to the 5-Days to a More Confident Homeschool Series!  This week we're looking at the things that trip us up and knock our confidence as...

Helping the Discouraged Learner

Helping the Discouraged Learner

How our kids react to learning plays a huge part in how effective our teaching is. When our kids are discouraged learners, our teaching is ineffective and this is one of the biggest reasons we lack confidence as we homeschool our kids with dyslexia. Yesterday we...

5 Days to a More Confident Homeschool

5 Days to a More Confident Homeschool

Would you like to have a more confident homeschool? When we first started homeschooling 20+ years ago, I had big plans. Yup, my kids were going to be the super kids whose knowledge and educational excellence would set me apart from others. Education had been very...

Meet the New, Improved All About Reading!

Meet the New, Improved All About Reading!

Our family has used and loved the All About Reading reading program for years. They just rolled out a new improved edition that I know you're going to love!   Have you heard the news? There's a buzz going around the homeschool community about the latest release...

Learn Math Facts Easily With Times Alive

Learn Math Facts Easily With Times Alive

Although 7 of my 8 kids have dyslexia, most of them had little trouble with math, that is until it came time to learn their math facts. Honestly I'm not sure why this is, but I have a few theories: Weak processing and information retrieval make recalling the facts...

How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexia

How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexia

  Hello and welcome back to day 4 of our 5-day series on How to Teach Kids With Dyslexia to Read.  Click here to read the series from the beginning. Today we're looking at an extremely effective way to teach sight words to kids with dyslexia.   What Are...