
Helping the Discouraged Learner

Helping the Discouraged Learner

How our kids react to learning plays a huge part in how effective our teaching is. When our kids are discouraged learners, our teaching is ineffective and this is one of the biggest reasons we lack confidence as we homeschool our kids with dyslexia. Yesterday we...

5 Days to a More Confident Homeschool

5 Days to a More Confident Homeschool

Would you like to have a more confident homeschool? When we first started homeschooling 20+ years ago, I had big plans. Yup, my kids were going to be the super kids whose knowledge and educational excellence would set me apart from others. Education had been very...

Meet the New, Improved All About Reading!

Meet the New, Improved All About Reading!

Our family has used and loved the All About Reading reading program for years. They just rolled out a new improved edition that I know you're going to love!   Have you heard the news? There's a buzz going around the homeschool community about the latest release...

Learn Math Facts Easily With Times Alive

Learn Math Facts Easily With Times Alive

Although 7 of my 8 kids have dyslexia, most of them had little trouble with math, that is until it came time to learn their math facts. Honestly I'm not sure why this is, but I have a few theories: Weak processing and information retrieval make recalling the facts...

How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexia

How to Teach Sight Words to Kids With Dyslexia

  Hello and welcome back to day 4 of our 5-day series on How to Teach Kids With Dyslexia to Read.  Click here to read the series from the beginning. Today we're looking at an extremely effective way to teach sight words to kids with dyslexia.   What Are...

Why I’m Thankful for my Kids’ Dyslexia

I realize that this may be a sensitive subject for some of you reading this today. Some of you are new to the world of dyslexia. Maybe you already have a dyslexia diagnosis or maybe your child is struggling and you suspect dyslexia. Maybe you're considering pulling...

Homeschooling When You Want to Quit

Homeschooling When You Want to Quit

It's early September and I've already seriously considered putting one of my kids in school. It probably has a lot to do with the age of said child - 15 going on 25 - but 3 weeks into the school year does seem rather soon to consider quitting homeschooling. I actually...

Teaching Textbooks 3.0 Review

Teaching Textbooks 3.0 Review

If you’ve been around the Homeschooling With Dyslexia web site for long, you know that I am a long time fan of the Teaching Textbooks math curriculum. We’ve been using all of the levels from grade 3 - Algebra 2 successfully since 2006. We’ve seen many improvements in...

Logic of English Foundations Review

Logic of English Foundations Review

After homeschooling kids with dyslexia for over 20+ years, I have seen just about every reading curriculum on the planet! And before I learned about the kinds of reading programs that really work, I tried just about everything on the market too. This post contains...

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

Are you surviving rather than thriving in your homeschool? I get emails all the time from homeschool parents with stories like this: "I feel like I know what needs to get done, but because of my kids' dyslexia, I can't quite do it. Everything takes too much of me. ...

Speaking Schedule 2018

Speaking Schedule 2018

  I've been cutting back on speaking a bit as I try to be mindful of balance in my family life. However, I am super excited about these 3 conferences coming up! Click on the links for more information or to register.         Modesto,...