
Understanding Dyslexia

Successful People With Dyslexia

One way to encourage your kids with dyslexia is to learn more about people with dyslexia who found success as adults. Most of the following dyslexic adults had to overcome significant obstacles to get to where they are now. Knowing this can help our kids face their...

By The Subject

Choosing a Homeschool Science Curriculum

Choosing a Homeschool Science Curriculum

The way I choose a homeschool Science curriculum is very similar to the way I choose a homeschool History curriculum. Following the guidelines I shared in my previous post, Choosing Homeschool Curriculum: A Grade-by-Grade Guide, I focus on different priorities during...

Choosing a Homeschool History Curriculum

Choosing a Homeschool History Curriculum

There are a ton of options for choosing a homeschool history curriculum for kids with dyslexia. In my previous post, the Grade-by-Grade Homeschool Curriculum Guide  we talked about what areas to focus on grade-by-grade. Homeschool History Curriculum for the...

By The Grade

Classical Conversations and Dyslexia

Classical Conversations and Dyslexia

After homeschooling kids with dyslexia for 20 years, I’ve tried just about every homeschool curriculum out there.  At least it feels that way and a quick look at my bookshelves pretty much confirms it.  Trying, tweaking and switching out homeschool curricula is just...

Teaching Tips

Narration: An Introduction to Composition

Narration: An Introduction to Composition

Charlotte Mason, an English educator from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, left an enduring legacy in the field of education with her innovative and holistic approach. One of the key components of her philosophy is narration, a powerful technique for teaching...

A Day in the Life of a Non-Traditional Homeschool

A Day in the Life of a Non-Traditional Homeschool

I’ve been sharing here and there how we are homeschooling our non-traditional 9th grader this year. I've had quite a few questions about what our day looks like so today I'm sharing a typical day in the life of our non-traditional homeschool. Of my 8 kids, 6 have...


Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

We all experience homeschool burnout from time to time. I'm not saying that to discourage you. I'm saying that to help you have the right expectations. We all get burned out from time to time. Expect it. What is Homeschool Burnout? Homeschool burnout (or any kind of...

Why I’m Thankful for my Kids’ Dyslexia

I realize that this may be a sensitive subject for some of you reading this today. Some of you are new to the world of dyslexia. Maybe you already have a dyslexia diagnosis or maybe your child is struggling and you suspect dyslexia. Maybe you're considering pulling...

Resources & Reviews

Successful People With Dyslexia

One way to encourage your kids with dyslexia is to learn more about people with dyslexia who found success as adults. Most of the following dyslexic adults had to overcome significant obstacles to get to where they are now. Knowing this can help our kids face their...

Life Skills

A Surprising Benefit of Homeschooling

As more and more of my kids graduate from homeschooling, I have observed a surprising benefit. I was talking with my adult daughter this morning. She was lamenting the oddly annoying behaviors of some of the younger employees where she works. It was as if they had no...