
Change your mindset, change your homeschool

Change your mindset, change your homeschool

If you've been around this website for any length of time you know I am a huge proponent of homeschooling our kids who learn differently. There are so many benefits for them! However, homeschooling kids with dyslexia is not always easy. Parents put a lot of pressure...

Why I’m Thankful for My Kids’ Dyslexia

Why I’m Thankful for My Kids’ Dyslexia

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I've been thinking about things I'm thankful for and realized that I am indeed thankful for my kids' dyslexia. Despite the hardships early on in our family's dyslexia journey, there have been a lot of valuable lessons...

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can I Really Homeschool my Child With Dyslexia?

Can parents teach their kids with dyslexia? Teaching a child with dyslexia to read, write, and spell is a challenge, yes, but homeschooling allows parents to give their kids the individualized education that they need. Prefer to listen to this post? Click on the...

Homeschool Mom Self-Care

Homeschool Mom Self-Care

This type of post - Homeschool Mom Self-Care - is a little out of the norm for me as I spend a lot of time here educating parents about learning differences. The reality is though that teaching kids who learn differently, even from one day to the next, can be...

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

Homeschool Burnout: What you need to know

We all experience homeschool burnout from time to time. I'm not saying that to discourage you. I'm saying that to help you have the right expectations. We all get burned out from time to time. Expect it. What is Homeschool Burnout? Homeschool burnout (or any kind of...

Why I’m Thankful for my Kids’ Dyslexia

I realize that this may be a sensitive subject for some of you reading this today. Some of you are new to the world of dyslexia. Maybe you already have a dyslexia diagnosis or maybe your child is struggling and you suspect dyslexia. Maybe you're considering pulling...

Homeschooling When You Want to Quit

Homeschooling When You Want to Quit

It's early September and I've already seriously considered putting one of my kids in school. It probably has a lot to do with the age of said child - 15 going on 25 - but 3 weeks into the school year does seem rather soon to consider quitting homeschooling. I actually...

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Homeschool

Are you surviving rather than thriving in your homeschool? I get emails all the time from homeschool parents with stories like this: "I feel like I know what needs to get done, but because of my kids' dyslexia, I can't quite do it. Everything takes too much of me. ...

Homeschooling the Less-Academic Child

Homeschooling the Less-Academic Child

I read a beautiful blog post last week from Sara at Classically Homeschooling that really got me thinking. Sara is a classical educator (as is my family) and was writing about homeschooling 'non academic' kids with the classical method. The classical model is known...

5 Things Every Homeschool Mom Needs

5 Things Every Homeschool Mom Needs

What does a homeschool mom need? Here are five things that may surprise you and one easy way to get them! 20 years! That is a long time.  It is also a really long time to have been homeschooling! I've been through all of the stages: the ignorant, inflated confidence...

Transform Your Homeschool:  One Habit at a Time

Transform Your Homeschool: One Habit at a Time

Kids still in their pajamas at noon? Chores not finished? Schoolwork not getting completed? Transform your homeschool by changing your habits one at a time. Here's how! Kids still in their pajamas at noon?  Chores not finished?  Schoolwork not getting completed? We've...

Helping the Perfectionist Child

Helping the Perfectionist Child

If you prefer to listen to this post, click the play button below. Do you have a perfectionist child?  One that is unsatisfied with pretty much anything they accomplish? Sometimes even when they've done a good job?  It's sad to watch our kids missing out on the joy of...

Dyslexia Success Story:  Willard Wigan

Dyslexia Success Story: Willard Wigan

Most people are familiar with famous sculptures such as Michelangelo's 'David' or Rodin's 'Thinker'. But have you ever heard of micro-sculpture?  These tiny creations can actually fit in the eye of a needle! Willard Wigan is the micro sculptor whose talent makes...

The Power of Homeschooling

The Power of Homeschooling

Howdy friends! Can you see it?  That light, shining at the end of the tunnel of another wild and crazy year of homeschooling? Me too!  Our co-op has finished until the Fall.  Our high school senior is ironing her cap and gown and the graduation announcements are in...

Dyslexia Success Story:  Erin Brockovich

Dyslexia Success Story: Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich may be best known as the legal assistant responsible for the largest direct-action lawsuit in history, but did you know she is also dyslexic? Early struggles Growing up in Kansas, she struggled in school and recalls feeling overwhelmed by learning even...