
Free Dyslexia Resources

Free Dyslexia Resources

Teaching kids with dyslexia can be expensive with tutoring costs, special curricula needs, and technology needs. I compiled this list of free dyslexia resources that I have used and appreciated. Check back often as I will be updating this page regularly. Free Ebooks...

Teaching Elementary Writing:  WriteShop Junior Review

Teaching Elementary Writing: WriteShop Junior Review

Teaching writing to my kids with dyslexia has always been a struggle in the elementary years. Their difficulties with reading and writing have a huge impact on their ability to write sentences, paragraphs, and stories. My goal for teaching writing to my dyslexic...

I’d Love to Meet You

I’d Love to Meet You

One of the highlights of my year is when I travel around the country each Spring and Summer and speak about my experiences homeschooling my eclectic brood of outside the box learners! This year I'll be in Nashville, Tenessee, Atlanta, Georgia, and Pasadena,...

Do Dyslexia Worksheets Really Work?

Do Dyslexia Worksheets Really Work?

As the non-dyslexic mother of 7 dyslexic kids (and wife to one dyslexic husband), it has taken me some time to come to terms with the idea of  worksheets and dyslexia. It probably doesn't help that I am a producer-type who practically drools over checklists of any...

Best Sources for Audio Books

Best Sources for Audio Books

As the homeschooling mom of a houseful of kids with dyslexia, one thing that I cannot live without is access to lots of good quality audio books.  While I could just about keep up with reading aloud to my kids when I had one child (no joke), having 6 (of my8) at home...

All About Reading Review

All About Reading Review

It's one of a parent's worst nightmares.  Your child can't read.  When you have a child that is obviously bright but cannot read your mind goes all sorts of bad places.  Something about fear and worry makes the mind of an anxious parent extremely creative - able to...

Technology Helps for the Dyslexic College Student

Technology Helps for the Dyslexic College Student

Thank you for joining me for this 10-part series on Preparing Your Student With Dyslexia for College Success. To read the whole series, click here. With the explosive growth in technology available today, dyslexic students have more opportunities than ever before to...

How the Amazon Kindle Can Help the Dyslexic Reader

How the Amazon Kindle Can Help the Dyslexic Reader

As parents and teachers of dyslexic students, we are always trying to find ways to help these struggling readers learn to enjoy reading and learning. One way you can do this is by using an Amazon Kindle for your dyslexic reader.   As parents and teachers of...

100 Resources for Teaching Kids With Dyslexia

100 Resources for Teaching Kids With Dyslexia

Have a child with dyslexia? We've compiled 100 of the best, evidence-based resources for those who teach students with dyslexia.   Parent Education for Understanding Dyslexia Dyslexia Books There are many well-written books on the subject of learning differences.  The...

Why All Reading Curricula Are Not Created Equally

Why All Reading Curricula Are Not Created Equally

Not all reading programs are the same because not all learners are the same. Here are some reasons that all reading curricula are not created equally. I was always a good reader.  In fact, I never even knew that there were bright people who had trouble learning to...

Announcing Our Winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered our Grand Opening Giveaway last week.  It was a huge success! Our winners have been chosen and emailed. A big thank you to our sponsors: All About Learning Press Reading Horizons Fortuigence    a Rafflecopter giveaway

Homeschool Reading Curriculum for Kids With Dyslexia

Homeschool Reading Curriculum for Kids With Dyslexia

The goal of this post is to point you in the right direction to find reading curriculum for teaching reading to kids with dyslexia that really work. Over my 20 years of homeschooling kids with dyslexia, I've tried and failed with many reading curricula.  There was...